Jobs: police, offpolice, ambulance, offambulance (if you do not have the off jobs you will have to add them to your DB for each rank)
Run the 10system.sql file on your DB to create the table. You will have to populate it by hand with identifiers, name and callsign.
Put the mod in your resources folder and ensure it (or start whatever floats your )
That should be it to get up and running. If you get an error or something doesn’t work please give as much information as possible. Feel free to use the github issues.
/10system Launches the 10 System UI. /10 [code] Replace [code] with a number found in the config file (feel free to add more) or type some text to show that instead.
Sorting: Show units in order of job and sub order by rank. Callsign Command: Give bosses ability to change call sign through commands.
As you can see the UI at the moment is super simple. I might update it at a later stage. If you are good with UI and do a redesign please do send it to me, if its good I’ll implement it and credit you.
1. 10system updated to work with latest es_exteneded and db table changed to have primary key (thanks to @heartbreakhotel for testing and the db stuff)
SELECT `identifier`, `callsign`, `name` FROM `essentialmode`.`10system` WHERE `identifier`='steam:110000104cbbaff' AND `callsign`='Whisky 1' AND `name`='Max Grimm' LIMIT 1;
This is mine position at the center of the left side…
while true do
if showHud then
rectY = 0.373 - (0.0125 * (#statuses - 1))
rectH = 0.04 + (0.025 * (#statuses - 1))
DrawRect(0.100, rectY, 0.205, rectH, 0, 0, 0, 150)
for i, status in ipairs(statuses) do
y = 0.375 - (0.025 * (i-1))
DrawAdvancedText(0.170, y, 0.005, 0.0028, 0.4, tostring(status.message), 0, 191, 255, 255, 6, 0)
is it already working with latest esx?
Also, do you think you may include in config the option to show the on duty members only for boss? Or is it already ?
I’m not running latest esx but see no reason for this not too run on it just fine (try it and let me know)
There is no option for the boss to only see it but you could technically do that by just only allowing the boss to use the /10system command
Would be cool if you could integrate this system into esx_policejob, but well done
EDIT: I feel like using the police job boss menu to add the identifiers and call signs would be more useful rather than constantly going to the database and adding them manually, especially if you have a lot of players on the server.
I would also use this SQL since you cant edit/delete rows if there is no primary key.
`identifier` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
`callsign` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
`name` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (identifier)