I’m having a lot of errors! https://hastebin.com/hojulivetu.sql
Help me please!
I’m having a lot of errors! https://hastebin.com/hojulivetu.sql
Help me please!
As you can easily make your own now.
if you follow the formula forthe code taking
– Kicks the player with the specified reason
as an example odds are you can write a ban code like
that would be my guess.
But it needs to store in the database not just temp ban.
Adding on to @Xerrzuss, permanent bans are kinda dumb. Also, it’s a “.” not a “:” in es4 and up
I’m using the fxserver and the 4.1.6 version of essentialmode. And every time I start the server I get this error. Thanks in advance for any help.
Started resource es_admin
Started resource scoreboard
Started resource CarCleanUp
Failed to load script ../[essentials]/essentialmode/server/db.lua.
Started resource license
Started resource gui_speedometer
Started resource msq-directions-hud
Started resource pv-tow
Resolved live-internal.fivem.net:30110 to
Sending heartbeat to live-internal.fivem.net:30110
Current version: 4.1.6
Updater version: 4.1.6
Everything is fine!
--- No errors detected, essentialmode is setup properely. ---
Sending heartbeat to live-internal.fivem.net:30110
Sending heartbeat to live-internal.fivem.net:30110
Thanks in advance
essentialmode should be in your resources folder
An example:
resources \ [essential] \ es_rp
resources \ [essential] \ banking
resources \ essentialmode
since updated cant noclip, admin, anything
actually theirs errors in the server logs:
yeap, that’s how it is!
When you run the server are you including +exec server.cfg?
As in: ./run.sh +exec server.cfg
Which version?
most recent but cant undo and go back to what was working was like 2 weeks ago the one that was working
Most recent doesn’t cut it, give me a number.
I’m having the same problem. I have tried the way of using “/” and then the command and it doesn’t do anything. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Then give the fucking version number and answer my question instead of saying bullshit like “HURR SAME PROBLEM”
No need to be rude. It’s essential 4.1.3 on fxserver. Just downloaded it a couple days ago. I am also using es_rp and banking. So far everything is working as it should. Just can’t figure out why the admin commands aren’t working.
@Kanersps I downloaded the latest version of Essential Mode 3.2.3 for my citmp server, and installed CouchDB correctly and when I start the server the resources starts essentialmode and es_admin, but on my CouchDB it doesn’t create a new database for essential mode, also when I loaded in game and type /admin, literally nothing happens, but when I don’t load essential mode and es_admin and type /admin it says “/admin” in chat. When I try to add myself to an admin group from the console while I’m in game it says “User could not be found!” and when I try again with another player ID not ingame it says “Player not ingame”. Can you help me fix this if there is any way to fix it because I have been stuck unable to get past this for a while? Also this is the error I get when I join the server:
everytime i try to add this to my server i get essentialmode\config.lua: Access is denied. can you help please
@martin9354 Did you enter the correct user:password and also change the Port to what Couch DB is running on?
After Installing CitMP i cant join my own server