Some reason its not workling that way it wont list “EssentialsMode” as the game mode
Any idea why this is happening?
But it hasn’t been a gamemode since the the first release?
So i got it all installed and the admin working. Does essentialmode add any events? Or are there other scripts to add for this to happen?
Did you not read the topic? It mainly adds events
Yeah I did but what kind of events? And do you cause them to happen or do they just happen?
It tells you when they are called? And others you have to call yourself.
What was that question mark for? And how do you call them? Also, when i change the gamemode in the map I’m using, why does the game freeze when initializing session? Have you seen this before? And if so what is the fix? It is the skater map. I’m sure someone else has found this fix as well, but you made it and would be easier this way.
- Use:
from now on everywhere when the player is initialized. It detects if you’re using NUI or NativeUI and properly initializes money on the client
- Fixed NativeUI money dissapearing on death
- Some code cleanup
- Misc stuff I don’t remember
Hello, I can’t find my sql.sql
This resource no longer uses SQL, hense why you cant find it.
Hello! I search the essentials mode 3.1.0! Where can i download this version?
- Fixed bank in the native money UI option being one dollar off
@DutchPoliceClan It can be found right at the top?
can someone help me setup es mode for my server i am having the hardest time
@Kanersps Why can’t I use commands via the console and or in game, I’ve set my group to “superadmin”/“admin” it states a permission level but I assume its pointless for that, but I try to do commands that are listed above and non work except the basic “/car (name)” and stuff I assume Im doing something wrong here, I do not have to change any “five m = true” bs or anything just run it on the regular?
What? None of what you said made any sense.
In spawn, you get the choose job menu, you can’t choose anything
@Kanersps I downloaded the latest version of Essential Mode 3.2.3 for my citmp server, and installed CouchDB 2.0.0 correctly and when I start the server the resources starts essentialmode and es_admin, but on my CouchDB it doesn’t create a new database for essential mode, also when I loaded in game and type /admin, literally nothing happens, but when I don’t load essential mode and es_admin and type /admin it says “/admin” in chat. When I try to add myself to an admin group from the console while I’m in game it says “User could not be found!” and when I try again with another player ID not ingame it says “Player not ingame”. Can you help me fix this if there is any way to fix it because I have been stuck unable to get past this for a while?
Hello i was just wondering why there was a /ban and /unban command if they arent getting used