[Release] EssentialMode base

Hey ! I know that you’ll probably trust I’m retarded, and maybe you find right here ^^
But ! I installed CouchDB, I set config like db_name, user, pswd etc… And event if I authorized remote control (and open my ports), I got : error : UnAuthorized(401)

@TrundleTheGreat I changed the sv_admin.lua password to match my sql pw and still received the same error. I just don’t get it…

– MySQL:open(“IP”, “databasname”, “user”, “password”)
MySQL:open(“”, “gta5_gamemode_essential”, “root”, “yourpassword”)

edit that line for the essential*mode files

You can check out my detailed guide there, it’s out-dated but it has helped a lot people for the old SQL based essential*mode


Did you set yourself as an admin inside of CouchDB?
If you did, uninstall, delete the couchdb folder, restart pc, reinstall, restart pc, take it from the top.
Clear your server cache
I think this is setup to run only on a local machine, I do not see a line for adding a user id/password so I’d avoid the admin stuff for now.
That is how I fixed my 401 error.

yeah i myself will stick with the MySQL version as i dont feel like installing CouchDB along side MySQL as i use MySQL for other things such as my forums and sites for my business so it was convenient.

I have not even experienced the whole timing out or it breaking the server with MySQL.

Oh well, guess i’ll have to see what the future holds.

can just someone do a video with basics for the new db system, this will be 1000x much easy to all of us. Ty

It seems pretty simple, too simple even, I feel like there should be more and that’s probably why the admin stuff doesnt work for me. If you don’t run this from a local PC I have no idea how to set this up or help you.

Once I figure it out myself I can make a guide but so far it may be as simple as:

  • Download Couch DB 2.0
  • Do not make an admin account
  • Download the new essential*mode update
  • Do the usual resource updates for essentialmode and esadmin in the citymp text file
  • Go to \New Essential Server\resources\essential*mode\server
  • Edit the db.lua file with the port for CouchDB, by default I believe its port: 5894
  • On your PC load up “Apache CouchDB Fauxton” this looks like the new database manager
  • Run CitizenMP Server
  • Refresh CouchDB Fauxton in your internet browser
  • essential*mode database should of been added to your server
  • Join server, see if you get recognized, you shouldn’t and a profile should update in the CouchDB Fauxton

That all works for me, I cannot get es*admin to load it looks like I may not have configured it fully because admin groups wont get added to the database. That’s as far as I’ve gotten, let me know if you can get me to the next step.

This is what I looks like when I boot my server a second time.

Not that simple for linux servers i can tell you that :wink: im sure there will be a way to continue using MySQL over couchdb as couchdb is not very friendly when using linux.

Many thanks, i ll try tomorrow it s late here ahah. But the sql file from (for example) the jobs or banking system are not yet required ?

I was going to edit that banking script to use CouchDB instead of the SQL server I setup. I think it would work if I knew how to fix this group stuff. I’m probably just missing something simple but everything I’ve seen says NO TOUCHYY so I’m not sure what else I need to edit. I’m not a developer but I’d like to help as much as I can.

I think the CouchDB should replace all the SQL stuff? I might be wrong but I don’t think its needed.

This update isn’t an choise, staying with the old mysql version means you are destroying your own server, it will cause timeouts server errors and won’t work properly.


You probably read the comments because you have changed the place of your link to download your plugin.
You could be a more precise minimum for using of couchDB, the 3/4 people here do not seem to understand the operation (including me) and apart from saying install it, you do not Precise not much … Hard, knowing that essential-mode is necessary has many things …

(Tu lis probablement les commentaires puisque tu as changé la place de ton lien pour telecharger ton plugin.
Tu pourrais etre un minimum plus precis quand à l’utilisation de couchDB, les 3/4 des gens ici n’ont pas l’air d’en comprendre le fonctionnement (moi compris) et a part dire de l’installer, tu ne precise pas grand chose… Dur, sachant que l’essential-mode est necessaire a beaucoup de choses… )

And it’s not very clear, can we continue to use our plugins that use database in SQL without there being any problems?

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No you cannot.


So what do we do now? I do not understand this stupid choice of change that ruins everything.
Apparently we can not continue to use the old version of essentialm0de in SQL because of the new server version, right?
We’re supposed to do what with that? Rewrite all our mods with something that no one understands?


You still can use the old version, you would just not be able to get the patch/correction.
AND, with the old version, because it is using SQL, the server is not stable.
SO, you can try to update and go for the 3.0.0, to gain in stability and performance, or stay at the 2.0.
If you go for the 3.0.0, you’ll have to transform all plugin you use to couchDB. Maybe some of the actual popular plugin will do the update for you, you’ll see.
If you are not able to do it, i think you should wait and see. Is the comunity will follow this changement or will they stay at 2.0 even if there is some bugs.

But I agree with you, going on NOSQL for non developers is not necessarily easy and requires a little skill, especially since no plugin is using an abstrusion layer at the current time so the changes are heavy .


You can Update Github ? :slight_smile:

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I also don’t understand why changing into a NOSQL database. If this was a blog-site (or facebook) I would agree, but here it just add extra complexity.
Can someone tell me why you changed into the use of couchDB ? What are the pro’s and con’s to use that instead of a relational database ?

I think this will become a mess when people start to make scripts like the recolt/sell or the inventory.
Maybe you thought that it would be faster for updates and selects. But what about working with classes ? You load data when the player loads and save the data when he logout. Spamming the database every minute to update the money is overkill in any descent way since you can do it only once. (Maybe some data loss when the fiveM crashes. But that shouldn’t be the problem of someone who makes scripts)

I would be amazed if any mmorpg (or other online game) uses noSQL…

Sorry for my personal point of view, this is off-course a great job. But for me it is still not clear why using this type of database for this kind of application. That’s all :slight_smile:


I have errors after updating