[Release] EssentialMode base

yeah you cant cuz they dont have couch let cit_adel servers

i have a server from them too

So can I then not use EssentialMode?

You can host a couchdb instance yourself.

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smart didn’t think that

:confetti_ball: EssentialMode 4 :confetti_ball:


  • FXServer compatibility
  • Native money UI option
  • Automated update checks
  • Code fixes
  • Server exports
  • Convars (no edits needed to any of the core files)
  • DB code updates


  • Player ‘class’ has been edited to fix an issue with metatables, as I abused them in NeoLua. So the ‘:’ has been replaced with ‘.’ example:
-- needs to be

and to get player values

-- needs to be

This isn’t a release, just an update post!

Also this :arrow_down:


You say “DB code updates” does that mean it will be compatible with mysql again without having to use Async? Also if you don’t mind me asking what is a good estimate when this will be released?


DB code updates as in the code has been optimized, nothing related to adding any new DB drivers. The release is planned when FXServer is released.

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The current situation I am in is I got Essentialmode 3 and have couchDB all set up. But my problem is I have noticed a lot of the other Mods like “Garages” “Apartments” etc… requires a mysql database with essentialmode so do I need to downgrade to Essentialmode 2 or stay on Essentialmode 3 and try and figure out how to use Async?

So I bought a hosted server on GTX Gaming.
Been trying to set this up, how the hell do I set this up without couchdb?
There has to be a way?

@TheLukasGran Use what you want to use, the best option is making your own stuff. The excuse: “I DONT KNOW HOW” is irrelevant. Noone starts knowing everything about a subject.

@SchoolBoy_Q_Lobbies It’s required.


So basically I just bought a hosted server for no reason?
There’s no way to run couchdb on my system and have it connect or something?
Couldn’t I set it up on a locally hosted server upload it to the hosted one?

Okay thanks also I never said “I DONT KNOW HOW” and I never used that as an excuse I simply just asked if I would have to do that!

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You can host your own instance of it and allow external connections, however make sure that you keep your password secure. But that instance needs to run when the server is running of course.

Gotcha, thanks for the help.
I’m assuming its a setting for the external connections?

anyone kno what this error is:

resources\scriptevnorment.cs (542):error: scriptenviorment::triggerevent::error executing event handler for event es:getplayerfromid in resource essential mode execption has been thrown by the target of an invocation.

Then about another 7 errors come up, seems to be happening when you log into the server. Not sure whats going on

damn i got excited for a bit, then i scrolled down xD

On another note, i have a problem, even if i change [‘startingCash’] = 5000, players always start with 0 cash, why?

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So I bought a server on Citad3l Server (Yeah I heard it sucks). Anyway I created a CouchDB 2.0 on my home network and when I opened the new EssentialMode I typed in my credentials for the DB. IP was port was 5984 and my username and password. Booted FiveM and it didn’t create any DB’s in Couch. What am I doing wrong?

This pops up on my end when I type
{“couchdb”:“Welcome”,“version”:“2.0.0”,“vendor”:{“name”:“The Apache Software Foundation”}}

Thanks for any help you can provide!

You have to change the ip to your own ip, not the localhost ip.

And the port has to be open