[Release] EssentialMode base

Ok thanks, I got it running after some time. Now what i try to figure is how to implement this in normal missions.
Like I will add the mod that npc’s drop money. Now I want to add some code to add the money to the database also.
I’m kind of lost with the TriggerEvent stuff…

I’m sorry I ask all this, but i’m still learning :stuck_out_tongue:

Hi, first thanks for your script.

However i have some trouble getting the permission when player spawn !

Here is my code

Client side

AddEventHandler("playerSpawned", function(source)
	TriggerServerEvent("rp:GetPermission", source)

AddEventHandler("SetSkin", function(permission)

-- stuff here


Server side

AddEventHandler("rp:GetPermission", function(source)
    TriggerEvent("es:getPlayerFromId", source, function(user)
        TriggerClientEvent("SetSkin", source, user.permission_level)

Here is the firs error i get on the console :
Error executing event handler for event es:getPlayerFromId in ressource essentialmode...

Hello FiveM,

I’ve got this issue since the morning. And it’s important to resolve it…

Complete traceback in the link : http://www.imgserv.com/images/2017/04/09/yzkAdmS.png

So far i have been able to get the mysql database up and running and i have been able to successfully stream all resources for the essentialmode to my server - YAY

But now im stuck in regards to scripting.

I am attempting to add a jail system to my server
(source: [Release] Simple Jail System)
But they have conveniently left out how to script the essentialmode.

Based on their instructions i was able to create a column in the users table named “detained” but i do not know how to make a script that would change the value of detained to 1.

can someone please help me figure this out?

I don’t understand how to install it…

add essentials folder and es_admin folder to resource folder. put them on your server config so they load, install mysql, run the sql file that comes with it, Rename the Example game mode folder to your game mode name and put that in your resource folder, Then go to your map your using ( default is the fivem–skater or something ) oppen __resource.lua and change at top from fivem=true to yourgamemodename = true, and boom thats it

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Greetings to you may picture instructions to install the all of this in advance thanks


I followed what the installation proccess but it seems I am facing an issue.
So, here we go with the checklist:

  1. Added database and modify info: done
  2. Adding extentions to the citmp-server file: done
  3. Modify __resource.lua in fivem-map-skater file by replacing with es_freeroam: done.

I also give me the grade of owner in the database, however, I can use the commands such as /announce. Have you any lead?


Welp figured out problem 1 now how would one go about allowing /weapon [wepname] commands o.o

I have an error message that appears

Getting error in my database when I try to assign the same permission level to 2 different people: #1062 ERROR - Duplicate entry ‘0’ for key ‘PRIMARY’

Please help!

Remove PRIMARY KEY from Permission.level and set Identifier as PRIMARY

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I don’t see the sql or the es_admin folder inside the download

Update 25-04-2017

  • Added moneyIcon
  • Fixed newPlayerLoaded event

You need to right click on the MySql.Data.dll and unblock it

do you have the solution for you problem ? (i’ve the same)

Hi Everyone, I’m New-ish here and I’m interested in taking my community’s servers to the next level by adding in some items/options to enhance our gaming experience. By trade I’m head of IT for an international medical technology company and while my powershell and .bat experience is decent I’m not experienced in .Lua. I’m willing to try to learn but before I dedicate time I don’t honestly have into learning some scripting, Will essentials mode help obtain the following? or no?

  • Paycheck System for Officers
  • Weapon Store for officers
  • Pop up window upon server login with rules etc
  • Vehicle store for officers
  • Vehicle spawning restrictions based on group membership
  • Block no clip and other commands based on group memberships
  • Create a Name and save player data upon accessing server

Thanks in advance for taking the time to answer, and to @Kanersps for the hard work in providing EssentalMode to the community.

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