[Release] [ES] Simple Banking port to 3.1.0

Just tested with clean install of essential-mode 3.1.0 and this and it works perfectly fine, there is something wrong on your end.


Confirmed working on essential-mode 3.1.0 like a dream! Thank you @Kanersps for the port
and thanks @GBJoel for the org upload!


Could you let us know how you did it please? I’m still getting “unknown”

Great job!

Would you be willing to take on an idea?

Hi, I’ve got quite a stupid question but how do you give money to a user?
Like, can you give it directly from the console?

@BTCB it sounds like the script is not connecting with CouchDB…

Due to the lack of info provided ill start with the basic questions.
have you upgraded to ES 3.x.x?
Also, in regards to ES 3.x.x *current version as of this post (3.2.3)
[Release] EssentialMode base
have you changed your port in the db.lua?

@4zenny the in game chat command is /givecash

Use format /givecash [id] [amount]

Hope this helps!

Yes just tried it! For some reason it wasn’t working, then I remembered that I forgot to empty my cache folder… Doh.

I was able to upgrade, connect, and utilize the new couchDB engine - solved.

I had to delete the database, and reconnect while on the db providing access in that instance.

A bit weird, but it worked.

I have a problem where I can access the banking at a store even with a atm even with atms disabled.

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what does your settings in the client.lua look like?

Here are mine:

im assuming you have the > depositAtATM = true
regardless, i would take a look at anywhere the script is looking for “if IsNearATM() == true”

and if your dead set against having ATM’s on (*Someone please correct me if i’m wrong) but you can simply delete the locations… eg.

local atms = { }

Note: i’m no expert - so make sure you do a backup b4 attempting any of the above! - good luck!~

This works perfect on my server. Thanks for your work!

works great on my server fantastic!! I have couchdb as well

Thanks Kaner. Works great on my server.

Thank you Kanersps, This is a life saver, I have been battling mysql problems for hours till I said screw it and listened to you lol, and now my life is so much easier! (At least untill fivem integrates mysql into the servers then i will cry again…)

I am having an issue, for some reason i cannot withdraw from my bank account

Got it working, not just need someone to help a poor noob on how to get the damn money system in lol. I had it all set up fine with essential mode 2, went to 3.1 and now I can’t get it to work :frowning:

@Kanersps Nice port, thanks. While testing the transfer feature with my brother, was having a little issue with the NUI Callback ‘transferSubmit’; I changed GetPlayerServerId() to GetPlayerServerId(PlayerId()) as it was returning the wrong id. Has anyone else noticed this?

so I need everything the original banking version needed correct.

Hi, I am having a problem. I cant add money to player from chat command (/givecash or transfer). All chat commands are disabled. When I am in bank, I can transfer money with no problem.