[Release] [ES] AdvancedRP Server dump

nope mine doesn’t, I get white box for speedometer and the drugs aren’t working either. neither does robberies.

what about the weapon shop that works?

no this doesn’t either.

What about the robberies? work?

Try to type “restart es_miscstores” in your server-console/rcon

Currently with the default build there is only one store. To fix this amend line 86 in es_miscstores\cl_weapon.lua to:

for k,v in ipairs(blips)do
local blip = AddBlipForCoord(v.x, v.y, v.z)
SetBlipSprite(blip, 110)
SetBlipScale(blip, 0.8)
SetBlipAsShortRange(blip, true)
AddTextComponentString(“Gun store”)

(Changes are marked in bold)

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Everything. Works.

Not being able to properely install it, is not the fault of the developer.


then why is EVERYONE having trouble lol.

Properly install it…

Ok, quick summary of how people install it: They simply follow what the release says.

  • It not working from there, cannot be the players faults, as they simply follow the instructions given.

I’ve tried with a brand new server, with the following scripts in it: EssentialMode, Speedo(to fix the whitebox) and all of the scripts from this release. And still, some stuff don’t work.

So tell me, whos fault is it again?


I agree dude. Same here.

es_roleplay still causing an infinite initializing for me :frowning:

MiscStores and color codes are still not working.

Nobody will fix anything in this for you. This is a dump for you to toy with, not just launch as a server.


No. miscstore doesn’t work.
And system messages not working nicely. (color code issues)

If it’s showing all fancy ^* and ^r in the messages, just go into the files for it, and remove them.

Re, I have this message when i start a robbery (There are not enough police online. (Atleast 1 needed)) BUT THERE IS 5 PLAYER IN THE JOB POLICE DUDE :frowning:

yeah, I think its having trouble determining the police job.

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This release is a lot of thing to look at, read scripts, understand how it works, etc…

Is there a Way to use Es_Robberies without Es_Roleplay ?

Is there a way to use Es_Roleplay with Es_Freeroam ?

Same here, cause It doesnt work with es_Freeroam. You have to choose one.

Regarding issues,
If you have any issues you can reply here, but it is not guaranteed you will actually get help with this. All of the things in here are working as-is however there may be bugs here and there.