------ removed

Starting at the door does not work.

Turned Mythic and prog off aswell to test it and nothng. No console errors and no f8 errors.


What do you mean by “it does not work”? What exactly happens? If nothing happens then surely it would error as well

Are you having issues with the plane landing? You could get rid of the functions that make it fly/land and just spawn the vehicle on the ground once you’re close enough.
I chose to have it spawn flying for aesthetic reasons. It just doesn’t look right to have the plane appear/disappear in front of you imo

I have made a request for extraction, add Spanish language

I go to hit E and nothing happens when I hit E.

I’ll see if I can find what’s causing this, gonna be hard to do without more info unfortunately. If I can’t reproduce issues, I won’t be able to fix them.

Unfortunately, I don’t know any Spanish and I don’t know anyone that speaks it either. Translating it would be hard for me. If you want, though, you can always give it a shot yourself by using the guide I’ve attached to the bottom of my post. It’s fairly simply.

all work fine for me, but can you add like some with that you need like bags for when you “cutt” the block to coke you know?

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Locale ES // https://easyupload.io/cf9qag

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Good idea. I’ll see if I can add it this week.

Much appreciated! Adding them to the repo now.

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Ur welcome!!

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nice script

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Could it be possible to create a dependency on licensed esx_aircraft for licensed players?

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It nice asf dont get me wrong but you know how gta civs can be :roll_eyes:, ima leave it for now but might just have it spawn for ease of use, thank you for the release my good sir :grin:

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I understand. I’ll see if I can add a config option for it somehow

Could you elaborate on that a bit?

The plane does not land, circling endlessly

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ive been looking for a script like this with flying awsome well done!

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