[RELEASE] Enhanced HUD

I didn’t take it anywhere, I wrote it myself…I know programming languages just fine

Just change (GetEntitySpeed ​​(PedCar) * 3.6) to (GetEntitySpeed ​​(PedCar) * 2.237) in client.lua. You can see it in the fivem documentation here ( GET_ENTITY_SPEED - Cfx.re Docs )

youtube Tuto pls?

you cant change wto woman body.??

Hi, I installed the menu and the target, but when I open another menu that has a cursor too, the cursor no longer shows up in that menu but only shows up in the menu script! Anyone have an idea to help me? Thank you

Where can I find the original ui?

Dumb noob question but does this work with esx and how do I install it?

I guess most will never go through all the 1618 replies…
To summarize the skin creator part :

  • Basic stuff works if using the fixed version
  • by default, the buttons does not work
  • by default, the menu is very slow and bugged
  • Need some extra work to install
  • Don’t use this ever, but look at [RELEASE] CleanUI (cui) character

For all the other stuff like speedometer, I can’t tell you much. In the posts there are some who managed to get it working.

Inventory has never been released.


my menu wont close, and how to i change it to english

how do i change the language to english?

edit all locales and html/css

any solution found ?

Nice leak

How can i change the speed of the speedometer? its new 300 but need 400km/h

Hello, i have installed skincreator, but still shows old skinmenu and i dont know, how delete it. Please help me :frowning:

Hi I have a problem that the skin creator doesn’t work or I don’t know because when I do the character and I go that it’s done nothing happens but the console writes it out to me
outfist succesful update

Can anyone help fix the error?

Hey, how did u made this working? cause when i click done in character creator nothing happen…

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Could someone please help guide me to install the inventory alone and even the character creation as well??

Any news about that?

does not work

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