[RELEASE] Enhanced HUD

I hope it can solve the “focus” issue ! Thx mate

speedometer.rar (479.7 KB)

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I am getting this. If someone is able to assist me I will be really grateful.

This error is showed whenever I try to change the clothes of my character.

That is because your ‘skin’ value is null. So i guess you don’t save data in the skin field in the database.

is this for ESX Only?

So is this working properly now? Can anyone combine the fully working script?

if this happens when you are in shop and try to change clothes, maybe you can try to disable esx_accessories and try again. let me know what happens than

Ok all i wanted from this was the speedo how do i edit it to be in Mph not km/h ?

edit : just found out the fuel is not in sync with my Fuel script i’m using this script for fuel anyone that can edit the speedometer script to work in mph and use our fuel script i would highly appreciate it this is the fuel script i am using.

nice work !

does anyone have the inventory?

I have made everything to be saved into the skin column in users. The problem is that it writes in it on disconnect rather immediately after the skin creation. ESX_CLOTHESHOP gets the player skin from the database and if it is not updated it gives this error and spawns me as a default character.

EDIT: Just a guess

That is the NetEvent(‘skinchanger:loadSkin’) It doesn’t save immediately and makes the sex = 0 and then it triggers

TriggerEvent(‘skinchanger:loadDefaultModel’, true, cb),


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I am not using esx_accesories at all.

The inventory and the chat system are still in development. However I am not sure so feel free to check the Naiko’s repo.

Why dont you change it?


Could you release? Or maybe explain how you made it work fully.

can someone please translate to english…

How do I change the Language to English? :smile:
in game its in French atm

Speedometer, client line: 94
Change to:
Im not sure if it’s 2.5 or 2.6, somewhere around that number.

As I do not use Fr fuel I am not sure, but you could try:
Fr fuel config:
Set consumption to 0 since speedometer will control it.
FuelConsumptionRate= 0
Change showud to FALSE since you will be using the speedometer.
“showHud”: false

I am running speedo with esx_legacyfuel, works great.
Hit me up in pm, ill help you configure it.

Hello someone have this for VRP server? :c