did u solve?
check inside the esx_skin client
find this event AddEventHandler('playerSpawned', function()
then after the if skin == nil then
replace with TriggerEvent('hud:loadMenu')
how about when i choose a wear job? there is a bug
With your resources it dosent save the Outfit in the Table any solution?
what that mean?? i dont understand
I tried to use it to create a character. The person creation menu is not displayed after registration.Can you help me?
try esx_skin.rar (5.2 KB) this
that it. because you need to call the event when player create the first character.
I tried using your script. However, the HUD menu is still not displayed when the character is first created.
Since the default role I use is ‘mp_m_freemode_01’.The character model is not even displayed now.
did you change the event inside esx_identity ???
give me screen the esx_identity you change.
try the skinchanger include in his folder
esx_identity.zip (7.1 MB)
it’s here. I really don’t know why this is happening.
dosnt work
i have no idea. everything is right. any error in console ? take a picture with your f8 when first spawn
i dont know. you can try my file. [skin].rar (1.2 MB) if it not work then problem come from the postion of your server. then
it mean you place it like this
1st identity
2nd changer
3rd creator
4th skin
5th shop