how change langue ?
okey ty so i how can disable sex change, and mother skin, father skin for eden clothes shop. i just show only first character saved ?
I’m changing the code
I will share after finishing
esx_eden_clotheshop.rar (19.3 KB)
thank you dude
How do I remove the esx_skin menu when I first create the character?
firs create identy after than open hud menu oto
I did not understand you
How do I remove the esx_skin menu when I first create the character?
delete 39 line
main.rar (2.4 KB)
I think I answered quickly and didn’t wait for your answer. Is this the solution?
i fixed it
Nobody got it to work with jsfour-register?
I am using customized jsfour-register and it works perfectly.
I don’t want to be rude but next time use your brain and use “Search” function it tooked me 23 seconds to find it.
that dont work for me
This trigger not exist from your source " hud:loadskin "
Therefore, this trigger does not work.
TriggerClientEvent(‘hud:loadskin’, source, result)