[RELEASE] Enhanced HUD

you make a realy good work :slight_smile: take your time ! and thanks for share it with the community

Personally, in one day, character creator worked fine with custom db ! :slight_smile:
I agree, you must know how to code in lua, javascript and jquery to make it fully functional.

Well, maybe you can share it too ?
I am trying to get this working with ESX. This is not easy.
Also I have a small problem now. The skinchanger does not have enough Components.

Is it ok for those who use esx stuff that I make a custom skinchanger for this hud ?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

For now I keep the outfit table just in case.
EDIT : since a lot uses scripts based on the normal esx skin and skin changer. I will change it so that those still work.


im using scripts with need the normal esx skin and esx skin changer. I can use it anyway?

When I press ‘FINISH’ on the character creator, the menu doesn’t disappear and stays zoomed in on the face.

I mean, this is a FRONT END work, then you need to make the BACK END work…

take your time! good work !

Yeah, I can share that but I have changed a lot of things in esx / esx database, esplugin_mysql, … (moved into innodb engine to create everything with foreign keys and junctions tables, default structure is … HORRIBLE for a developer.) It will not work into classical ESX

Play ‘with display’ attribute in CSS and Jquery when click event is called into script.js.
For camera, just place in right section :

SetCamActive(cam, false)
RenderScriptCams(false, false, 0, true, true)
FreezeEntityPosition(ped, false)
SetPlayerInvincible(ped, false)

yeah, I know… I try to get it working with the default skinchanger. So it can be done.
But I will have to create a new field in the database to store all the stuff that is not in the componets.
Mostly it is the face stuff. But that doesn’t change in the skincreator.
This means a lot of work and changes. So my end result may not look like the original script :smile:

Hi, i can help you to make it work if you want.

I am very interested in make all this HUD works

Hmm … Solutions are not really simple ahah, the problem is that whatever changes are made, the job may be big!

The best solution would be to make it compatible with skinchanger but as you say, the original script will not be the same

Voted no because most of the people that run a server need esx_skin and skinchanger for there clothing shop. If you have a replacement for this, then i will vote for yes.

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If there are some developers who are interested by this project and if @hoegarden31 is agree with that , why not … !

I see. After some brainstorming, I will make it 100% compatible with skinchanger.
This means :

  • All items available in the selections (example : original # of hats = 32. Mine # of hats = GetNumberOfPedPropDrawableVariations (playerPed, 0) - 1, )
  • Only sliders for changing the clothes. (No names for each individual item)
  • Additional options not present in skinchanger will be stored in its own field.
  • Adding more sliders to match the ones from skinchanger.

This is a complete revamp of the script.
Today I will make the hats working and update github. I also hope that the author is fine with me changing half the code…


How do I adjust the choice of women or men only men are working?

Do you have any suggestions on how to make male character selection or female character selection ?

The plan is to get the selection from esx_identity. If you select female there, you will get a female skincreator. But this is not there yet.

I have updated my github. Be aware that this is still WIP !!! (GitHub - boermansjo/ESX_HUD: Default starting project with Enhanced HUD)
I have started to revamp everything. As a demo, only the hats are working. So you can select any hat you want from the game. It is then saved using skinchanger.
Also the camera rotates (in a funny way, but hey Picasso paintings are funny too) I will work on getting the formula right. It is a pain…

EDIT : character is now loading correctly after the first use of the skincreator. (Again for now only with the selected awesome hat) This works with esx_identity and skinchanger. Please install them first.


Your demon have Bug No save character

I tried to use the new github, but I couldn’t load the role after I logged in again.