[RELEASE] Enhanced HUD

It is saved in esx users skin table, so yes, it saved

Thx alot buddy, Ill be waiting for the full release… Tell me if you need any help testing with you, I’d be glad to assist

Any ETA on release? I’m getting excited now.

will you share it when its finish?

release it please LEGEND!

Managed to fix the scroll stuff. But I ended up changing the html and javascrips…
Now I plan to make it work with the skinchanger. Saving and loading will be easy that way.


realese? bro

Why nobody release their work? If not share why you post video here?


you are absolutely right

I have a GitHub with my version. Once it is done I update it here.
sharing is good :wink:

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did you fix the character loading problem?

Not yet. But saving data using skinchanger is going fine. I may be little slow, but I can’t spend the entire day working on fiveM. So be patient. But I will share it once done.


I gonna share my work , but when its finished, i dont release nothing working bad. so be patient, and stop being unrespect


I can help to solve problems. What are your errors?

Don’t pay to much attention. Some just wait until something is released. It is a lot of work getting this done. Keep up the good work :wink:

Dude, take your time :wink:
Dont let you trigger by some kids that dont know what scripting is.

Nice work dude and good luck!
Sorry for my bad english btw.

where to insert this code MySQL.Async.execute(“INSERT INTO outfits (idSteam) VALUES (’[SteamID of user or anything ID you use to identify unique player]’)”) ???

Yeah good work … Let us know when you done … and Thanks for the hard work

Place it in the script that creates your character. Or wait for my code or @Fidel_Martin.
I removed this part and just works like esx_skin.

CANT WAIT!!! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH :sweat_smile::upside_down_face: