[Release] Elevators with UNLIMITED floors


Today I bring to you my first script. Unlimited elevators with unlimited floors.


  • Download from GitHub.
  • Add elevators to your resources.
  • Start/ensure elevators in your server.cfg.

Have fun!


any screen shots or videos of the script working ??

2 days ago he commented asking for your permission.

Yes I know he did, we had a discussion and I told him no but he said hes gunna do it anyways so I said give credit.

then report that to a modo.

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Provide proof and flag his post :slight_smile:

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From inspecting the code, I can’t really see anything other than inspiration from your source.
This seems like a re-written version with a different approach to the elevator system.

Holy crap ladies and gentleman it’s the creator of the concept of elevators! We’re in the presence of a great inventor!


I will not credit you for some “idea”. I was looking for a elevator script for my server, found yours and edited a few lines to work with my server and the things I needed. I asked you if I could release the new code and you told me not to. Thats the reason that I almost fully recoded the script.

And on another note, your elevator script is just 2 scripts pushed into 1. But if you think that I’m in the wrong here please flag my post.

I think that this is everything that could be said and this should also be the last thing about this subject. I’m asking everybody to not go futher into this bs…


What changed?

  • Improved performance
  • You can now add a name for every floor.
  • Multiple bug fixes

Thank you very much for your time on the PR @glitchdetector

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I just sat down and setup teleports for most of our elevators 3 days ago and now I gotta go back and change them for this and I am happy as hell to do so . This is great!!

I think this is fair. I do the same, I ask permission to use their idea out of respect. I haven’t had someone turn me down yet, but if they did I as long as the script is 100% your custom code I see no issue with releasing your own resource even though the concept is inspiration from another person’s script. Also I see no need to credit for an “idea”. I do so out of respect only.

Pictures or videos?

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Would it be possible to add a menu by selecting the desired floor?

And how can I rewrite the script so that I need an ID card to use the elevator?


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Love this script. I would love to see a menu so you could select which floor you wanted to go to. as if u pressed 3 or 6 on the elevator buttons

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can i add like a 5th place to use the script because i tried and it didnt work idk if i did it right but this is what i put in the file

[5] = { – 501 Apartments
– Lobby
{-774.89, -317.45, 85.66, “Lobby”}

– turn positions into vectors for faster calculations
for i = 1, #elevators do
for k,floor in ipairs(elevators[i]) do
elevators[i][k] = {vector3(floor[1], floor[2], floor[3],floor[4]), floor[5]}

did you add more then 4 locations to use the elevator?

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Please do not edit anything below line 48.
Just leave that as is.

You can add the elevators by copying and replacing the text below:

elevators = {
    [1] = { -- 398 F.I.B.
        -- Floor 1
        {136.19, -761.00, 45.75, "Lobby"},
        -- Floor 2
        {136.19, -761.00, 234.15, "Floor 47"},
        -- Floor 3
        {136.19, -761.00, 242.15, "Floor 49"}
    [2] = { -- 1002 Army Base
        {-2361.00, 3249.20, 31.80},{-2361.00, 3249.20, 91.80},{-2361.00, 3249.20, 31.80}
    [3] = { -- 140 Morgue
        {246.43, -1372.55, 24.54},{248.68, -1369.94, 29.65},{246.43, -1372.55, 24.54}
    [4] = { -- 963 Humane Labs and Research
        {3540.75, 3676.64, 21.00},{3540.75, 3676.64, 28.12},{3540.75, 3676.64, 21.00}
   [5] = { – 501 Apartments
    – Lobby
     {-774.89, -317.45, 85.66, “Lobby”}