[Release] EasyVest

Easy Vest

What is this?

A simple script that gives you a body armor vest.

You can choose between a light, medium, or heavy vest. A light vest will give you 25 armor, medium gives you 50 armor and heavy gives you 100 armor.
Added a fancy animation to make it look more realistic. This script supports both male and female mp_freemode_01 peds.


  • /vest light – puts on a light vest.
  • /vest medium – puts on a medium vest.
  • /vest heavy – puts on a heavy vest.
  • /vest – removes vest.


  • Download the resource and drop it to your resource folder.
  • Add ensure easyvest to your server.cfg

Edit Config

  • Body Armor ID. Change this however you want this to be.
SetPedComponentVariation(GetPlayerPed(-1), 9, 3, 1, 0)
  • You can change the armor value of the vests to whatever you want.
SetPedArmour(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0)
--AnimDict = anim@narcotics@trash
--AnimName = drop_front

To Do

  • Command usage Cooldown
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Just an FYI, the ped component variation sometimes isn’t the same for both genders. So if you do set the vest, it would probably be ideal to have an if statement for both genders

there might be a native you can use to distinguish the peds gender. I know skinchanger (the esx resource) has TriggerEvent(‘skinchanger:getSkin’, function(skin).

Added to To Do list.