Here’s a script that allows you to set certain options and densities that change depending how many players are on the server. It allows you to set the following values:
a_players_under_1 = { -- This will by checked first and trigger if the playercount on the server is below 1
VehicleDensityMultiplier = 0, -- 0.00 - 1.00
ParkedVehicleDensityMultiplier = 0, -- 0.00 - 1.00
PedDensityMultiplier = 0, -- 0.00 - 1.00
ScenarioPedDensityMultiplier = 0, -- 0.00 - 1.00
DisabledDispatchServices = { -- Which dispatch services to disable
PoliceAutomobile = true,
PoliceAutomobileWaitPulledOver = true,
PoliceAutomobileWaitCruising = true,
PoliceRoadBlock = true,
PoliceRiders = true,
PoliceVehicleRequest = true,
PoliceHelicopter = true,
PoliceBoat = true,
SwatAutomobile = true,
SwatHelicopter = true,
ArmyVehicle = true,
FireDepartment = true,
AmbulanceDepartment = true,
Gangs = true,
BikerBackup = true
DisableCops = true -- Wether cops will chase the player or not
You can set up rules in the config file that get worked through in alphabetical order (from a_* to z_*)
For example b_players_under_2
would mean its the second rule that gets checked and applies if the total players on the server are below two (0 and 1).
You can also work with percentages so c_percent_under_20
would be checked third and would apply if below 20% of the servers max players are online.
NOTE: This script replaces the old version: [Release] NPC Control