[Release]drugs to npc's [ESX]

Is it possible to connect with another phone mods instead of esx_phone?

Nice script, thank you very much!

I have a small suggestion to ask you, would it be possible to add a specific area to sell to the peds.
In that way, not just sell to all ped found in our way? Thank you.


if i was to add a random number to remove from inventory how would i then cause it to recognise the number it has removed and pay that amount,

so if it took 1 it paid 1
but if it took 5 it paid 5

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^^ I would also like to know how to make the number of bags you sell to the npc random between say 1-3 bags and get paid for all the bags I sell, I currently can only make it pay for 1 bag even if i sell the npc 3, Regardless of how many I sell i only get paid for 1. Does anyone know how I can get the payout to recognise the math.random number please, Thanks.

I am using this script, and gcphone, didnt change anything, and the Messages are working.
There is just a thing thats very problematic… it sends a phone number
From #xxx-xxxx and that number is the drug sellers number… well i dont know how to mask that… its important because of metagaming… is there anyone that can help me with this? :slight_smile:

This works well, if you want to try it … with notice to the police if they reject drugs npcs

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how can i only sell it to the chosen npc

sorry for the late reply. but you could do something pretty simple

create a math.random
then just put that in for the amount to remove and then multiply the price times the amount sold.

  	local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
	local meth = xPlayer.getInventoryItem('meth_pooch').count
	local coke 	  = xPlayer.getInventoryItem('coke_pooch').count
	local weed = xPlayer.getInventoryItem('weed_pooch').count
	local opium = xPlayer.getInventoryItem('opium_pooch').count
	local paymentc = math.random (500,1000)
	local paymentw = math.random (150,300)
	local paymentm = math.random (300,700)
	local paymento = math.random (150,300)
        local sellAmount = math.random(1,3)

		if coke >= 1 and success == true then
			 	TriggerClientEvent("pNotify:SetQueueMax", source, "lmao", 5)
				TriggerClientEvent("pNotify:SendNotification", source, {
					text = "You have sold a bag of cocaine for $" .. paymentc ,
					type = "success",
					progressBar = false,
					queue = "lmao",
					timeout = 2000,
					layout = "CenterLeft"
			TriggerClientEvent("animation", source)
			xPlayer.removeInventoryItem('coke_pooch',  sellAmount)
  			xPlayer.addAccountMoney('black_money', (paymentc *  sellAmount))
  			selling = false

how can i sell it only to gang npc ?

I didn’t want it to sell to all npcs

how can i add a min numbers of cops to sell?

when i go to sell to a npc i get this error

Hey how do I add a drug?

So I’ve been trying to use this script all day and cant figure out what im doing wrong. Ive put it into my resources and started it in the .cfg… Am I missing something? Becasuse I’ve tried multiple scripts for this now and never get a sell prompt or any prompt at all … Please Help

Do you have pnotify?

if i want to add crack to this do i just do

 if crack >= 1 and success == true then
			 	TriggerClientEvent("pNotify:SetQueueMax", source, "lmao", 5)
				TriggerClientEvent("pNotify:SendNotification", source, {
					text = "You have sold a bag of crack for $" .. paymentc ,
					type = "success",
					progressBar = false,
					queue = "lmao",
					timeout = 2000,
					layout = "CenterLeft"
			TriggerClientEvent("animation", source)
			xPlayer.removeInventoryItem('crack', 1)
  			xPlayer.addAccountMoney('black_money', paymentc)
  			selling = false

and then add local paymentc = math.random (1100,2200)

Is this correct ?

edit :
hmm, so i cant seem to get this script working, have added it to server.cfg, have drugs in inventory, made cop limit 0…

it says “press e to sell drugs” , so i press e, the ped freezes and then just walks off, i get no money and no drugs taken from inventory.

hmm, idk haven’t worked with fivem in a while. It should work.

is there a way you can tone down the number of times you sell to the same ped because for example

when i sell to 2 ped standing close to each other you can continue to sell to both and spam it and keep getting money without them walking away or they wont buy anymore

Need a minimum ammount of cops system, or this mod isnt at all useful

its not a mod. and it already has that system. Dont blame the script if you are to stupid to use it.

it is a way to sell drugs by zones? for exmaple:
weed only can be sold in the beach
coke only can be sold in grove street or forum drive zone
meth only can be sold in vinewood