[Release]drugs to npc's [ESX]

Hey there I’m loving this script for my server! I have just one question, is there a way we can have notification’s to let the player know when the deal is not successful and also to tell you if the person calls the cops? Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank-you.

Hi! Nice release and its working smooth, but I was wondering if there is a way, to limit it to a job, like only the “Drug dealer” could sell the drugs.

Hi! How did you add this script? I can’t get it to work and I can’t really tell why. I added it to my resources like any other script and added in the server.config

Edit: I figured it out after looking at the console. I had the scrip on the server but the item names just didn’t add up with the drug script I have on the server

is there a tutorial on how to set this up I tried and I get a error when I launch fivem

Is there in esx_sell_master map another map ?

did you found a fix for it ?

Yes but I forgot what it was

damn okay, Thanks for your reply :slight_smile:

im having a little trouble getting the script to work. When i try to sell the weed it says “Trying to convince person to buy the product” and they just walk away.