[Release] Diamond Casino Blackjack

to this question I add. How can i set the tables in the “High stakes” zone to be for people with money
I mean limit the max bet in the common tables to X $ and set the High stakes tables to go with a minimum bet of X $

Where can I set bet limits?


I can move the table Outside the casino or not?

Yes, it is configurable. Use the /getcasinotable included to setup new tables.

When I get the settings, I have set them up, but after restarting, I can’t find the table, what should I do?

how do I make it so players can actually buy chips and bet them

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I type /getcasinotable but it doesn’t showing anything

How can I do before betting to check if I have money, if I lose, lose the money and if I win, win it?

I built the table and moved the position, but the cards and chips didn’t show on the table. Where do I have to adjust?

Same problem here , did made it to get working but no chips or cards showing up :frowning:

i get this error that when i place bet he does the animation but does not “place the bet” the chips dont appear and if the timer goes down iam not in the game, but if i spam enter i can place the bet but then when i get the cards i cant react to hit/stand not reacting to my keypress, anyone know what can cause this?

Edit: if i leave the table i still get the ui to place a bet and if i place a bet even if im not sitting in the chair i teleport to the chair

has anyone figure out how to set a bet limit

Hello did you fix it ?

Someone to get it to work with ESX? I’m trying to get it to work but all I’ve managed to use chips. You can still bet wether or not you have the right amount of chips, so the current implementation leaves room for major abuse.

function tryTakeChips(source, amount)
    local amount = amount
	local _source = source
    local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(_source)

    if xPlayer.getInventoryItem('casinochips') == amount then 
        xPlayer.removeInventoryItem('casinochips', amount)
        return true
        return false

Still getting the error regarding the blackjack_func_348 function

could you link a recommend diamond casino interior?

this looks great, could someone also make a esx version like the vrp one above?

Do you can send the script for ESX?

Anyone got a link to the interior used for this script? Seriously cannot find it.


What is the solution?

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