[Release] Diamond Casino Blackjack

Hello everyone! I’ve spent the past 2 months working on blackjack in a style as similar to GTA:O as possible and I’ve decided that all servers should enjoy this so I’m releasing it!


  • All networked with up to 16 players playing at the same time
  • Works with OneSync & OneSync Infinity
  • All the juicy stuff you’d expect from blackjack
  • Optional fancy teleporter to enter diamond casino
  • Fancy menu showing how to play blackjack like GTA:O thanks to RageUI!
  • Dynamically configurable, ability to make any blackjack table playable


  • This is not linked to any framework and works natively, to add chips/money into your framework/gamemode complete the two functions named tryTakeChips and giveChips at the top of sv_blackjack.lua
  • There is no splitting or double down at this time, may come in the future
  • You will need the Diamond Casino interior - There might be one on the forums somewhere, I don’t know if I’m allowed to link the one I used, but just search “diamond casino fivem” in youtube. The download link is in the description in the first video.
  • This was my first time working with decompiled scripts, so some code is quite messy, just don’t scroll too much…


How to install:

  1. Ensure you have a compatible Diamond Casino interior.
  2. Download/clone my forked modified version of RageUI https://github.com/rubbertoe98/RageUI
  3. Download/clone the main repo GitHub - rubbertoe98/DiamondBlackjack: The GTA:O Diamond Casino Blackjack recreated in FiveM
  4. Copy DiamondBlackjack into your resources/ folder
  5. Copy the src from the RageUI repo into the DiamondBlackjack folder
  6. Start the resource

Thank you to RageUI for allowing the easy creation of the instructions & teleport menu
Rockstar for the decompiled scripts :heart:

If you want to show support, star the repo, drop a like on this post or leave a comment, enjoy!


So you finally got it done. Nice work ! :100:


Really good work! Going to send the vRP version here in minutes :angel:




yess pleaseee

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Vrp Version :point_down:
Rename “DiamondBlackjack” to “vRP_blackjack”
Item name used for chips “casino_token”
Replace those 2 files and you are done.
__resource.lua (1.8 KB) sv_blackjack.lua (32.2 KB)


Thank You!!

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Anyone who can make it to esx?


Read the instructions you just have to put the src folder from RageUI into the blackjack resource folder

Works pretty good, until he dishes out the cards, then I end up in the skies.
Any ideas on how to fix this? :smiley:


@Bassemand very odd, which interior are you using & any errors?

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That camera position looks like the default for esx_kashacters, so I did some testing, and it seems that the scripted cameras in esx_kashacters somehow conflict with those provided in this script.
Once I disabled kashacters, everything worked fine.

Superb script and sharing thank you very much !!!
Can you give us a little summary of how to add new tables please to finish putting the remaining ones that are empty. I added the npc without problems already but the tables I can not find how to make them work



I must use kashacters

Can you tell me what files are causing this problem?

gift xD https://prnt.sc/r2zgzs


I’ve got mine working with the one table for the brown casino mlo however the cards and chips props are not spawning. Everything else seems to be working great though.

Which Casino entiro do i need before this is working

This is the one I use - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMKLXpTEqdo

Okay install it but are there anyway you could make the script to esx?


So if kashacters is the problem, are you working on at fix to not have the conflict? :smiley: