[Release] Diamond Casino Blackjack

hello guys i have the MLO Diamond Casino Interior how can use that script for this MLO interior?

anyone have script daily spin in casino?

Hello, nice work
But not work for me with the MLO version of casino, any can help?

To everyOne sayin´ it doesn´t work with the map they use. You have to put the right coords for the tables, dealers, dealers…

ive been able to get the dealers to move but cant find the cords for the game interaction menu. Any chance you can give a clue where its at?

all things worked but the npc is not respawaing + no any place to buy chips
how to fix it ?

When you use the interior it causes holes and ipls errors with the tunnel on Olympic freeway is this only me having this issue or is it the interior in general?

Tried it on my main server and a empty one with 0 resources and still has the same issues.

Have you solved this problem? Teach me how.

I added this to my server and got it working on Casino. However I have made a custom interior for Bahama Mamas and added there blackjack tables (vw_prop_casino_roulette_01b) but if I add coordinates for dealer and table the NPC is invisible and the blackjack doesn’t work. So how this works on Casino interior but not in some other interior where’s same props? EDIT: It works if I go to the casino and then back to the my custom place

dose anyone who make it for The Diamond Casino Enterable MLO this map? Someone help me plz…

I have gotten the dealer peds moved, and the tables correct for Browns MLO, however i cannot get the game to start. If i change the following back to the original, the game starts fine in the teleport interior. I have no idea what i am missing. i have combed through the entire script and i cannot for the life of me find out what im missing

while true do
local playerCoords = GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(-1))
local closestChairDist = #(vec(playerCoords.x,playerCoords.y,playerCoords.z) - vec(1028.01, 62.85, 72.48))
if closestChairDist < 200 then
closeToCasino = true
closeToCasino = false

So for the brown MLO

I got the peds moved, and the game will start at the new table locations, however the chips and cards will not load. When the dealer hands out cards, you will always have 0. Still working that out

help please

youre not streaming any interior props.

i resolved the problem but thank you

Getting this error when going over to the table, Any ideas?

Solved did (removed the .gitignore) link the post above) :man_facepalming:

Hey for some reason cards and chips go offset like this ! please help

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What interior is that? That doesn’t look like the Diamond Casino

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It’s custom interior (Bahama Mamas)

So it seems inconsistent, sometimes the dealer waits for Hit/Stand and once you pick one it works, and sometimes you pick to Hit or to Stand and the options go away but it doesn’t register.

Any ideas?

After testing a few times, it seems that the print('response received! [ok]) only goes through the console sometimes. meaning that it’s inconsistent around that area.
relevant code:

if currentHand < 21 then


                                        blackjackGameData[gameId][source][2] = {}

                                        --print("initialize card count = 1")

                                        while nextCardCount >= 1 do

                                            --print("while card count >= 1 waiting for a response... cardCount is: " .. tostring(nextCardCount))

                                            secondsWaited = 0

                                            --print("error debug #1")




                                            while blackjackGameData[gameId][source][2][nextCardCount] == nil and secondsWaited < 20 do 


                                                secondsWaited = secondsWaited + 0.1

                                                ----print("response to stand or hit is still false")


                                            print("response received! [ok]")