[RELEASE][devTOOL] add more properties to esx_property

Its a custom modded script by the streamer Koil. You won’t find the any old nopixel resources here because that server is very customized but you will find a lot of resources they began with and the modified heavily for their servers.

Thanks !

Yeah i was guessing it was private also since i cant find it :frowning:

Doesn’t work properly for me. It only put the blip and the circle in front of the doors. However, when I go to the circle, it doesn’t pop up the menu and it doesn’t populate the half of the properties database table. When I change the outside and enter coords to be different, the menu is being available, although if I click “Visit” it throws on F8 console some traceback track issue to citizen without any meaningful error. Nothing on the console


very helpfull! Thank ya. Unfortunately problems with z-coords but better than nothing.

How does this script work? I’m confused as hell.

hey guys, ive used this tool to add on the property without any issues. however it wont allow me to set exit points to the house. also, the room inventory is giving me issues. can anyone help or have a discord i can join to talk to someone?

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For anyone having errors you need to manually go to mysql and edit the coordinates for outside in properties.
The bug while adding properties not showing up anything when inside the marker is because outside and entering coordinates are exactly the same.
If you consider yourself a developer then you can edit the script to set the outside marker before choosing where you want your house.

So even though this may seem an esx based plugin/tool, do you think I could do without esx or could I just have esx installed and disable the money system? I’m currently in the works of a menu server and this would be 1 million times easier to add properties instead of me spending countless hours map/property designing.

Did you find one? I’m in need of a script like that

There is a problem with this tool works all bar the database cords what its doing is once you place the markers and restart the server ect you don’t get no menu to enter the apartments due to once placed in the database it puts the same cords over and aver for the exit and inside any chance in that being fixed?.


how can i fix this the z coord is to high

how to make inside Not found other people. thx sir

THANK YOU 1000x for this. Aside from the coords not being accurate, script is working flawlessly so far. not sure what problems other people have right now but i currently have 120 working after an hour and adjusting the coords in the script. no 90 limit so far…

I’m a little confused on what is going on, so I’m hoping you can help!! Your tool is working great, with the exception of the Z Cords + 1 needed, but there is something happening on my end I think…

When I go into my MySQL Database I don’t see any of the entries from devProp. After restarting the FiveM Server and MySQL Sever, all of the properties work and appear on the map, I can even enter them, but I can’t see them in my database to edit any of them!

I read through all of your code and learned how the code works and I don’t see why it isn’t working! Obliviously if the houses are appearing and I can enter them, the script is passing the correct data to the database!! I just don’t get why I can’t see them in MySQL!!

Hope you have some insight!! Sorry to bother you with questions about this too…
Adam V

hi i wanna ask, i already add more propertie like 200 propery, but i got stuck on properti menu on real estate job menu, but if add less then 50 the menu work correctly, any idea to fix this issue

me too haha

Hi!, anyone can share the properties sql file? Please

This one creates the propeties but if you go inside to visit u can leave

i changed the blip, now looks like a 3d house

gonna be honest so far ive found adding new houses manually in the database is much easier than this “dev tool”