[Release][DEV] Server Event Security Tokens - Anticheat

i have also got this error, worked fine on my dev. Pushed it to my live server and it threw that error. Strange.

I only need to edit this into resoruces i wanna ā€œprotectā€ right, like all the ESX addons, not needed for resoruces like ā€œchatā€ and default ones right?, having some issue today with ESX injections :(, hope this works!, big UP in that case! :slight_smile:

or do i need to edit every resoruces im loading in main config?

@SaltyGrandpa Could you explain to me a bit more how I have to make this work for some resources Iā€™m new to adding those kind of things and have no idea

Same problem here, anyone know how to fix?

@SaltyGrandpa I work for long time with you, but this (not my language) many emails and explains, I really do not understand. maybe you can make a short explain-video for respekt all posters who give you a post and a hearth? :wink:

Not sure why, but i keep getting kicked because the token returns nil. Iā€™ve included the init.lua in my __resource.lua but it doesnā€™t work out somhow. Any ideas what iā€™ve could done wrong?


server_script '@salty_tokenizer/init.lua'
client_script '@salty_tokenizer/init.lua'


TriggerServerEvent('ATcore_GetIdentifier', securityToken)


AddEventHandler('ATcore_GetIdentifier', function(token)
	local _source = source
	if not exports['salty_tokenizer']:secureServerEvent(GetCurrentResourceName(), _source, token) then
		return false

thatā€™s my code, should all be right.

Oh i see, seems that iā€™m not the only one with that problem. And the dev didnā€™t answer for 1 and a half month, so ā€¦

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Tried this but somehow it doesnā€™t work for linux. Iā€™m getting invalid token everytime it calls.

Sadly it dossent work anymore itā€™s broken.

hello I have a query I donā€™t know or I understand how to implement the client.lua part

I have a problem or a bug where they use cheatengine to change the value of the car to a different one and make them have high-end cars with cars of very little value.

An example buy a $ 2,000 vehicle and convert it into a $ 50,000 car at the time of storage in the garage using cheat engine, I would like to know how to implement this system to avoid that.

I would really apresaria quite as it would be the correct way to apply in the client part, lua

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i tried it but not work. my player get kick when trigger itā€¦
hope this will fix soon because this is so cool anticheat

if you are using esx-vehicleshop or any other make a column in table called model.
which will store model number of the vehicle same as in vehicle column. all operations can be performed based upon the vehicle column which store json data . when user purchase car get the car model and store the model number in ā€˜modelā€™ column .
which cannot be changed or updated with vehicle state.
Now when player store the vehicle in garage
verify the vehicleprop.model with model column in table
if miss-match ban that MF using any auto ban script.
i hope you got my point

Is this script still maintained / working?

But i must change RegisterServerEvent ini RegisterNetEvent in server.lua? Is not clear the exampleā€¦

Everything still working fine this is a masterpiece if you guys have a problem with this script I think I can help.

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can someone help i did all but i am not getting paid when i do the garbage job

can you help me ?

Let me see server and client event

can you make the esx_garbagejob for me ? and send it here
download the resource and make it for security tokens usage

TriggerServerEvent(ā€˜esx_garbage:payā€™, amount , securityToken) <ā€”Drop here

And server side do like this

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