[RELEASE] Delivery Jobs (No need for job system)

Hello again all!

So in my CitMP server i ran a script made by @noobcoder Called GoPostal Delivery Job and it worked great.

But over time i added more and more jobs to it and made it a much bigger resource.

Im sure @noobcoder wont mind me releasing this, Most of his code was editing along with the addition of other jobs such as:

  1. Go Postal.
  2. Chinese takeaway delivery.
  3. Meth delivery.
  4. Pizza delivery.
  5. Weed delivery.

“You just copy pasted” Yes, Thats pretty much all i did once i got the base working correctly.

MissionText - FX Version can be found here MissionText.rar (395 Bytes)

EssentialMode - Was used with a converted EM2.0 but should work on latest.

SimpleBanking - Converted version can be found here banking.rar (77.1 KB)

If you want to change how much is paid to players on each drop etc, Just check the Lua files, Its pretty self explanatory.

Any issues let me know :slight_smile:

DOWNLOAD: delivery.rar (62.2 KB)



Nice, I’m going to test it now :slight_smile:

It may have bugs etc, Please let me know if it does and ill try to rectify it :smiley:

Where do we return the vehicles for the jobs? or is this something that is completed after a certain time? Tried Chinese and couldn’t find where to return vehicle

finish all the drops, Then you can return it. As i said might be some bugs was originally for CitMP was converted for FX but was never FULLY tested

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cool script love that we dont need esx or vrp


Can confirm no deletion of vehicles working yet. After finishing work and returning to start point it only wants to press E to restock vehicle. Working great otherwise!

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So apart from the vehicle not removing its self it works fine? :slight_smile:

I can’t have SQL files because I don’t understand the new MySql database :frowning:

If your using essentialmode it tells you how to do it :slight_smile:

Ok, I’ll try :slight_smile:

Hello good Sir! I am inquiring as to if there are any known bugs regarding the vehicles/vans spawning at the designated spawn zone when hitting the specific spawn key. If there are any public or known fixes for it please write back to me! Either way, if you feel that you are generous enough to help even if you don’t know a fix please let me know and hopefully we get in contact! Looks like a great release, looking forward to fixing/using it!

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Thanks dude! It’s not buggy, there just isn’t anything in the script that deletes the vehicle.

It will be easy enough to code in you just need to add a native to “delete vehicle” once they finish, either that or you can return at any time and press say “Z” to delete and end mission.

If you ask someone nicely I’m sure they will help you :smiley: if you find a fix forward it to me and I’ll edit this post

How do I get an object to my inventory instead of money?

Instead of user.money have it update your database

iam here but nothing to say - no customer at location
Postal and China job dont have any customers at the end, yet pizza job does

How do I do the job?


Is there a vid?