[Release] Delete Vehicle Script [v1.1.0] (Updated 2020)

people that join my server can’t dv, it says for them that they don’t have permission?

Same issue Iam having

Have you guys modified the resource in any way? It’s still working absolutely fine on my dev server.

Nope haven’t changed anything, it’s just that only the admins can dv it and not the normal users for some reason. For the users it says they dont have the permission.

someo reason i installed the script right but it wont delte no cars at all even if im sitting in them anyone know why

could you help me with this i downloaded it but just not working not sure why and i installed it in right place and i did the server.cfg too.

You are probably using ESX dv that is why. This is standalone and has no permissions, although if you wanted permissions, you could always assign them through identifiers in an array.

I’m getting an issue whereby the script works 80% of the time and some vehicles won’t delete? I’ve fresh installed it and still getting the same issue. Can I get any help?

Are the vehicles you’re trying to delete spawned in or stolen AI’s?

Spawned in sir! Just cars people leave all over the place. Sometimes is works sometimes it doesn’t! If someone else tries straight after I do it deletes it but I can’t delete it at all, I can try to get a video to explain it better :slight_smile:

When I do “/dv” it says “Insufficient Permissions”. /delveh works fine. What do I do?

Yes, I did. I’ve fixed it now, thank you though!

When I do “/dv” it says “Insufficient Permissions” i am using essential mode what do i do to fix the problem

Hey @Im_Kawiz I don’t understand what you mean by that, can you explain? I’m also having the issue. “Insufficient Permissions”

It worked thanks!

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@RPPerry3 But you shouldn’t. You don’t want trolls on your server running around deleting vehicles to annoy people. You need to give your self permissions as an Admin to remove that message.

problem. I have a server hosted on a VPS (downloaded server files) and i have my friends server running on ZAP

heres the issue:

On my VPS hosted fivem server, the script works as expected, standalone and all that
on my friends zap server it says :

Could not find dependency vrp for resource deleteveh.
e[93mCouldn’t start resource deleteveh.e[0m

ive downloaded it a second time (version 1.0.5) just to be sure, and it wont work on the zap hoster. why is that?

^^ same thing as @xKyranStormx

Delete Vehicle Script W/ Ace Perms

This is just an updated version of @WolfKnight179 Delete vehicle script.
None of this would be possible without his code so all credit goes to him.
This update could be good for any servers who do not want everyone being able to delete vehicles.
I will post it here unless he allows me to release it.



open me
Name 'Delete Vehicle Script w/ Ace Perms'
Auther 'WolfKnight'
Description 'adds ace perms to delete vehicle script'
EXECUTE_CFG_INFO 'exec jeremys.admin.cfg'
ADD_ACE_INFO 'add_ace admin.delete jeremys.admin allow'
ADD_PRINCIPLE_INFO 'add_principal identifier.steam:STEAM_HEX_HERE admin.delete'
-- Delete Vehicle script written by WolfKnight
-- With credit to Mr.Scammer, thers, Zanax and Konijima!
-- Version 1.0.5
-- Set the resource manifest 
resource_manifest_version '77731fab-63ca-442c-a67b-abc70f28dfa5'
-- Add a client script 
client_script "client.lua"
-- Add a server script
server_script "server.lua"


Open me
-- Register a network event 
RegisterNetEvent( 'wk:deleteVehicle' )

-- The distance to check in front of the player for a vehicle
-- Distance is in GTA units, which are quite big  
local distanceToCheck = 5.0

-- Add an event handler for the deleteVehicle event. 
-- Gets called when a user types in /dv in chat (see server.lua)
AddEventHandler( 'wk:deleteVehicle', function()
    local ped = GetPlayerPed( -1 )

    if ( DoesEntityExist( ped ) and not IsEntityDead( ped ) ) then 
        local pos = GetEntityCoords( ped )

        if ( IsPedSittingInAnyVehicle( ped ) ) then 
            local vehicle = GetVehiclePedIsIn( ped, false )

            if ( GetPedInVehicleSeat( vehicle, -1 ) == ped ) then 
                SetEntityAsMissionEntity( vehicle, true, true )
                deleteCar( vehicle )

                if ( DoesEntityExist( vehicle ) ) then 
                	ShowNotification( "~r~Unable to delete vehicle, try again." )
                	ShowNotification( "Vehicle deleted." )
                ShowNotification( "You must be in the driver's seat!" )
            local playerPos = GetEntityCoords( ped, 1 )
            local inFrontOfPlayer = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords( ped, 0.0, distanceToCheck, 0.0 )
            local vehicle = GetVehicleInDirection( playerPos, inFrontOfPlayer )

            if ( DoesEntityExist( vehicle ) ) then 
                SetEntityAsMissionEntity( vehicle, true, true )
                deleteCar( vehicle )

                if ( DoesEntityExist( vehicle ) ) then 
                	ShowNotification( "~r~Unable to delete vehicle, try again." )
                	ShowNotification( "Vehicle deleted." )
                ShowNotification( "You must be in or near a vehicle to delete it." )
end )

-- Delete car function borrowed frtom Mr.Scammer's model blacklist, thanks to him!
function deleteCar( entity )
    Citizen.InvokeNative( 0xEA386986E786A54F, Citizen.PointerValueIntInitialized( entity ) )

-- Gets a vehicle in a certain direction
-- Credit to Konijima
function GetVehicleInDirection( coordFrom, coordTo )
    local rayHandle = CastRayPointToPoint( coordFrom.x, coordFrom.y, coordFrom.z, coordTo.x, coordTo.y, coordTo.z, 10, GetPlayerPed( -1 ), 0 )
    local _, _, _, _, vehicle = GetRaycastResult( rayHandle )
    return vehicle

-- Shows a notification on the player's screen 
function ShowNotification( text )
    SetNotificationTextEntry( "STRING" )
    AddTextComponentString( text )
    DrawNotification( false, false )


Open me
-- Add an event handler for the 'chatMessage' event
AddEventHandler( 'chatMessage', function( source, n, msg )  
    msg = string.lower( msg )    
    -- Check to see if player has perms
    if IsPlayerAceAllowed(source, "jeremys.admin") then
    -- Check to see if a client typed in /dv
    if ( msg == "/dv" or msg == "/delveh" ) then 
        -- Cancel the chat message event (stop the server from posting the message)

        -- Trigger the client event 
        TriggerClientEvent( 'wk:deleteVehicle', source )
end )

download (2.8 KB)

Ace Setup
add_ace delete jeremys.admin allow

add_principal identifier.steam:11000011d1621fe delete

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how can use for only ems, ?