[RELEASE] Death timer

this is gonna be ragdoll function, where i am adding a taser ragdoll function with a healing command for paramedics, or for cops if they want to do it.
Civ is gonna have 2 options here : 1 . they can get up by pressing T or Y ( depends on your text chat key ) or do a roleplay and say that they are injured and call for paramedics to heal you, paramedics will get you up by healing you with the /heal command .

Credits to : xYaroslavGTx for Ragdoll Function ( Ragdoll Script down Releases )


I edited and i put my github link , scripts are gonna be separate in that github, i tested script by script and was too lazy to mix them up like i did in the post.

if you want only the healling command, take out the ragdoll = 0 from the code ( on the healing event only ), take the server side and add only the heal event to a separate script, you will have a functional heal command.


am confused is this like soe when someone dies there down until they wait to respawn or a cop and paramedic revives them?


no but thanks for giving me ideas :smiley:
No , this is gonna keep you down after you are tased by a cop and you have 2 options, roleplay injure and call for paramedics to use /heal command on you or press T or Y to get back on your feet.

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Yeah it would be awesome to have a downed system so that when your health reaches 0 you go into a downed state and have to be revived by medics. It would be great for RP.

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yeah good luck with that :)) , i am doing some research for you to teleport and ragdoll in that point.

Update : @Healshot i have the death ragdoll done, i just need to block the triggering the rgoing back on their feet…

New update :

  • Added the death event, after you respawn you will be teleported back to the place you died and ragdoll after 1 sec.

To do list :

  • Adding a chatevent with location for paramedics to be notified like in the Simple Outlaw Alert
  • Disable the ragdoll triggering option while you are down ( only if you die , taser is unchanged )
  • Waiting for suggestions.
  • Maybe add a cooldown in case paramedics are too busy to reach out to you.

Just don’t respawn them automatically. The ped will “die” in a ragdoll position. If you don’t respawn them they will just stay there in the same position they were in when they died.


Awesome script, great for rp… Thank you for the share, you continue to provide the community with great additions for RP! Amazing work!

this all sounds great and thank you for your hard work.

my only suggestion is this

player dies goes into a downed state and has to wait for paramedics if the medics are not able to respawn the player they then have the option to be respawned at a hospital.

and the medic timer could be customized Ie 5min timer or however much time they want to wait for the medic

on the medics side of things they get a notification that some one is down and the location with a blip that stays on the map so they can easily find the downed player.

Just some thoughts i had.

Again thank you for this amazing script.

Good work i have wait a long time for this script !!

there a little bug with the script everytime I get out of the car I fall down the ground?

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is it after you get stunned?

no just getting out of the vehicle which is weird.

if you press “U” key when you are in vehicle, you are you can trigger that, if you press T , you will be get back.

I’m pretty sure you can fix that if that’s the case by checking in the player is not in a vehicle and if that’s true then allow using the key press

any progress with the script?

Yes ,after i watched some SOE RP on youtube, i changed the script allmost entirelly, the event is no longer ragdolls you, i added a 5 minutes respawn timer on the script with a 30 seconds timer left notify and a timer triggering off command with the /revivep command. The new version is not gonna be released just yet tho, but if you want to see how it’s working or have any questions, you find me on C2CJ server , script is gonna run there and you can see how it’s working.
What’s next in the script is gonna be the : Announcer for paramedics ( Maybe with time left untill his respawn ) , so paramedic can evaluate if he has time to reach there or not, Team system with perks per team, Blips setup for Paramedics to get your position faster.


great job @hbk very usefull for poeple how dont know how to code !

@hbk The only thing I don’t like about the ragdoll system they have is the cops can revive them that should be for the paramedics only but on the other hand, I don’t see soe put much effort in the paramedic system hopefully that improved on ur script also gonna check out the server and check the ragdoll system :slight_smile:

how are the cop reviving you? with a command or what?

Edit : Script Preview : https://youtu.be/1lKyeo6FlnU

They use a command which is stupid I seen videos