[Release] Crew System with Player Blip [PAID]

If someone use esx_kashacters will need to change:

In CrewSystem → Client.lua

    while not NetworkIsSessionStarted() do Wait(0) end
    TriggerServerEvent('CrewSystem: loadCrew')

        configs = true,
        translate = translate,
        NameResource = GetCurrentResourceName()


AddEventHandler('CrewSystem:KashactersHack', function()
	while not NetworkIsSessionStarted() do Wait(0) end
    TriggerServerEvent('CrewSystem: loadCrew')
        configs = true,
        translate = translate,
        NameResource = GetCurrentResourceName()

In kashacters → client.lua

AddEventHandler('kashactersC:SpawnCharacter', function(spawn, isnew)
-- BELOW THIS, yes you need this to ambulancejob if use kash
TriggerEvent('esx_ambulancejob:multicharacter', source)


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Thank you very much for this information :heart:

Hi. Sorry, I don’t have much experience with esx_exp, so for this case you would have to change the script to make it work that way :c

It would be very useful to expand the capabilities of the script as it could be combined with many other progress scripts, I hope you consider it

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You want to sum all crew players xp (from esx_xp) ?

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Yes, I would like the exp earned by all the crew members to be added to the general counter of the crew.
Instead of total member kills, show total member exp


how do I get rid of the name display on the top of my character ???

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Yes, we will think about it! Thanks for the idea

You can remove this in the Config.lua file, just change the variable to false. :wink:

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I did and it works but Now the problem is that me as the owner of the police crew I’m able to see my officers in the map but they can’t see their partners how can I make them see each other ?

This is strange, as they should be seeing all the partners in the group. Do you use OneSync Infinity?

nope and I’m not planning to use it because the way I set up my server is anti onesync for now. I managed to run a fivepd with esx. can you make it so it works just standalone and no onesync ? please

The script has already been thought to be standalone, try to use the standalone version on your server
Instead of using the ESX version, use the Standalone version
Take the test and tell us what happened :smiley:

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how to show name player on blip

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Helo! You will have to look in the Client.lua file for the line:
and change to:
:upside_down_face: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Is it possible to add a chat for communication between crew members?

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At the moment it’s not possible, The script doesn’t have this functionality yet, but, It’s something to think about for the future, thanks for the idea, we’ll be able to implement it later :slight_smile:

Ah chat feature and ability to add other ranks is literally what i want out of this script. is there something you can do to add them?

no update?may be like grand rp family system?

We can think about it, but it will be a future update, not an immediate one. :slight_smile: