[Release] Corona Begone V1.1 (Clientside)

Not too sure. Its still working for me and eveeyone in my server

Do you by any chance run graphic kods aswell. Such as nve? Cus nve i know will ignore this file

If there is anyone who is using this or even the (OP author) that can help me with installing? I can’t find any videos I’m new to modding if anyone has a discord that thinks they can help. Please add (urfates) me or send me your discord link. Thank you.

OP your a legend!! it still works just scroll up and follow his easy instructions!! thank you so much OP! !

any way to use this with quant v? it doesn’t remove it when i have quant v, but when i get rid of quant v it does.

Hey, how can i enable a little bit of bloom and remove coronas? ty