[Release] Compass and street name HUD

streetName.position = {x = 1.22, y = 0.963, centered = false} i change mine to this and it in the top of the screen and i have change the values multiples time and still not changing after restarting the script

The Manifest for the file is outdated :frowning:

Did anyone end up coming up with a solution to show this only when you are in a vehicle?

add a In vehicle check?

update it?
_resource.lua to fxmanifest.lua
and then use Resource manifest - Cfx.re Docs

as a guideline to update it?

Here it is with showing and hiding when you are in and out of the vehicle:


@ohitsjudd and anyone else,
I’ve been trying to get this to work for hours now, no luck. my Lua.asi is loading up AND other .lua mods are working, just not this one. If anyone wants to help here are my files, thx in advance:
main gta5 directory:

scripts folder:

Lua scripts folder:

I got two scrollbars in game after I install this resource, could anyone help me with it? thanks


I created a edit on your script, i added 2 commands to the hud


is there someone with a dutch version of this script?

:+1: Cheers

Hi. Did you tried to put the blips in the compass?

I believe that is a good idea to improve the script

Hi, can I use this compass and street name HUD Mod in a Server, just like the RPF mods in my Five Application Data > Mods (folder) ?
Tks in case somebody replies <3

This resource is running its information checks every frame and that causes quite a bit more overhead than necessary.

Would be nice if you made it so it draws every frame but changes the text / compass orientation like every 100ms.

is there a way that i can bind a command to the compass and street name that i can set it of and on

can you make it where it only appears when in a vehicle?

I edited This Script And Changed The Placements of Street Name And Compass, in The Edited Version Compass is at the top of screen and street name is under it,
Edited_Compass.rar (3.1 KB)
{all rights reserved to the owner [MsQuerade(Profile - MsQuerade - Cfx.re Community)]}

zip bomb is crazzy