[Release] Compass and street name HUD

I have already did it, it works so, how i can put my custom font?

go to streetname.lua line 4 change it to from true to false

ever find a fix for this?

would love this to only show up if someone jumps in a car. i use simple cinamatic (black parts) for screen shots and the compass at the top does not disapear when i activate the bars /Mcam. if i could figure out a way for the compass to only show up when someone is in a car, or a /toggle command it would make me so happy

is there any possibility to make it visible only to the police? Nice release btw.

hello, I want to download, this mod but unsure which folder i place it in the in FiveM folder. Anyone able to help ,Thanks

Anyone find a way to bring down the usage of this script from over 0.37(sometimes 0.6+) to under 0.10ms?

what folder do I drag this in?

what folder do i put it in

Can you send the code that makes your radar big. And nice work man good job!

Is there a way to add custom street names to the label?

I’d like to change the number of ticks in-between each cardinal direction to 5/ between each cardinal and intercardinal to 2, how would I go about doing this?

is there a way I can register a command so when i type /command it turns off/on I am VERY nooby with scripting I tried

RegisterCommand(‘compass’, function(source, args)


Is there a way to make this only show up when in a vehicle and be hidden when on foot?

did you find out this one?

Cant download it

did you ever get an answer to this?

is it possible to change the street names? If so how would i do this?

where in the resources??? as a standalone or in another folder?

Is it possible to hide this with a key bind? I’ve got the radar, esx and status toggleable but would like to make the UI toggleable if possible