[Release] Colored Map (Pause Menu)

:palm_tree:Hi all :palm_tree:

This is for your ( FiveM →CLIENT← )
And I didnt create that im just sharing :wink:

And this color is only for the map, the blips are server side.



  • First file ( ui ) go in your FiveM / Citizen / Common / Data drag the file in.

  • Second file ( cdimages ) FiveM / Citizen / Platform / Data drag the file in.

And its done join a server and look your map in your pause menu :slight_smile:


The resolution is not very good, but that have a really better look!

The resolution of what ?

of the map, when you zoom in, the quality is not good. It’s not a big deal!

ha well i didnt create that, im just sharing !

btw the resolution is 10/10 even whene i zoom. Idk for you maybe its your graphics settings

We need to be able to change this map on serverside, maybe it’s possible to stream it like the models of vehicles !

The server-side map can easily be streamed just like a car , The problem is the .meta file needed can not be streamed and goes client side. Without it the new map is only viewable zoomed out. With meta client side works perfect.
I have that streamed on my server no problem

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hello , i dont understand i dont have FiveM / citizen / common and FiveM / citizen / plaform ??? help me plz :confused:

its impossible how do you play then ? go in your folder fivem the you should see all the folder

click on the fivem appli

after you should see that ?

the path is there follow the step

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thanks you sir now its work !!

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Can you release for server side plz ?
Because all players must download the file for the map to work

yes no server side for this sry

This is slightly confusing. First you said the meta file cannot be streamed, and goes client side. Then you said you have that streamed on your server, no problem. Are you referring to the meta file? If so, how did you get it to stream correctly? Thanks!

the blips are stream not the map

The original person posted this and suggested to put the entire map client side. I explained you can put the map server sided and the meta client sided and it all works fine.

No as far as I know you cannot stream that .meta


files {

inside your __resources.lua and tell us result :wink:

Perhaps you have to stream data file also, see this thread for detailes and possible solution

i try and its work only whene you zoom out so teh .meta work
And i try to stream all the minimap ytd for the zoom in and in doesnt work maybe i did wrong

no guys, just no. We know how to stream meta’s that can be streamed.This one does not stream like we would think if it can , which I dont think so.

Is there a postal map anywhere? One with numbers for postal codes?

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