no my map show’s nothing bro
how can you havve blips color if you dont have any blips !
i thought that was for map icons?
sorry i am new to gta mods
this is to make all your [map blips / weapons / radio ] color change youu need to add blips whit other resource go chk if your radio/weapon work
i just want map icons lol as i got a server so new is there a mod that will give me map icons server side?
install essentialmode and (es_freeroam)
tried that doesn’t work for me
all tuto are there for that
it uses couchdb my server host uses mysql so unsure how it really works
im new in couchdb to im using old version right now and all my release was made for essentialmode old one
well when i download it say it uses couchdb so no use as the server hoster i use is mysql so lost to get it working
btw even if you use couchdb or my.sql its a server side resource stream files it can be use in both of this
EssentialMode base
EssentialMode is a event driven gamemode, EssentialMode itself will not do anything of use. This can be used to easily create resources that have to communicate with eachother. This package also contains one addon called: “es_admin”, which adds admin commands to your server including permanent user bans. [Release] EssentialMode base
Freeroam v2
Freeroam V2 by Kanersps. Features: Companies, Hiests, Economy System. Admin System, Login System
i have these installed on my server
i know all that dude just figure that out we all start somewhere and in the freeroam you have the folder player/map.lua all blips are in there if all your stuff are correctly install
i just installed blips resources now have icons in french lol?
i dont know any blips resource im using a bunch of ressource and the freeroam i cant help you whit that sry
no that is cool will translate and change, thanks for you’re help mate
your welcome tell me if you have all 3 weapon/blip/radio whit color