[RELEASE] CleanUI (cui) character

Would love it if you could implement an outfit-feature :slight_smile:

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Hi, i have a question - how can i make a create character in ā€œanother worldā€. So that players donā€™t see each other when they create a character?

thank you for the great work.

I have only one message, from which I can not figure out. How do I get this still away ?

SCRIPT ERROR: @esx_identity/server/main.lua:169: attempt to call a nil value (global ā€˜_Uā€™)

but the rest of the goes flawlessly I am very excited.

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I have installed CleanUI alongside ExtendedMode. When loading into the map, the character creator loads but nothing seems to work. Changing any of the sliders or options does not affect the character. Pressing ā€œAcceptā€ brings up the confirmation dialog but does not exit the editor. This means players get stuck in the character creation screen upon login. What could possibly be causing this?

EDIT: The console throws no errors. Everything loads as expected.

SOLVED: Make sure the folder name is cui_character.

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Have you checked if you use the mp_m_freemode_01 ped model ?

I have now set everything again to standard and everything that was in the config has been inserted and I still get this message

Is it possible to take a price for changing identity and plastic surgery etc.?

And also I realized that it doesnt work with addon clothes?

Please help with esx_identity integration.

this is what i have in esx_extended

did you uncomment the line in fxmanifest ?

I dont know how do you manage to get it working without open the creator every time you join can someone tell me how you do it guys cause im lost afk

Ive same problem did you manage to fix it or is a code problem itself?

All the blips (plastic surgery, barber, clothes shop, identity change) when I press E on them, make my character freeze. No cam movement, no ESC possibility, nothing. What can cause this problem?

its work fine whit addon clothes :slight_smile:

How ? I mean not clothes that replace standard clothes but extra ones. And where do I find the clothes on which position? Because normally they start on place 16

yes and also that is not the problem having. the problem is that he/she(not sure) said that i need to replace something in es extended but in my es extended only some parts are similar to what he/she said to replace

You should have replaced (at the top of what you posted)



TriggerEvent('cui_character:open', { 'identity', 'features', 'style', 'apparel' }, false)

If you modified esx_identity to work with some of your custom resources, itā€™s much harder to help.

Now I would guess that you also should replace something in the RegisterNUICallback(ā€˜registerā€™) function, but you didnā€™t post it all so I have no idea what exactly.


Hello, first of all nice release. That design is wonderful!
I followed the instruction of installation and tried just everything and I continue to encounter this.
When I make a new character everythingā€™s fine, but when I try to relog, the cui menu is opening indicating an error on the birth date. I tried to change something in my esx_identity, but didnā€™t work. Do you have any solution?

Do you use extendedmode or esx v1 final? Iā€™ve managed to reproduce this bug once on extendedmode and it turned out the identifiers were being saved as license2:hash instead of just hash (which is what latest esx_identity expects and what esx v1 final provides).

If thatā€™s the same case, I suggest one of these solutions:

  1. Check out this post.


  1. Open extendedmode/server/main.lua, find:
if string.match(v, Config.PrimaryIdentifier) then
    identifier = v

and replace it with:

if string.match(v, Config.PrimaryIdentifier) then
    identifier = v
    if string.match(v, 'license:') then
        identifier = string.sub(v, 9)
    elseif string.match(v, 'license2:') then
        identifier = string.sub(v, 10)

Iā€™m convinced itā€™s a compatibility problem between latest esx_identity and extendedmode.

It makes no sense to me to store the type of identifier in the database, because you never use more than one type at a time and migration from one type to another would still require serious manual updates.

The 2nd solution does invalidate all identifiers on an existing database though and requires manual corrections to work properly.

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Iā€™m using extendedmode.
None of these solutions worked for me. If you have more ideas hmu - Iā€™ll try to figure it out myself and If I find a solution Iā€™ll post it there (or pull request).

But, can I just disable the function that shows me the cui_character on logon when the script canā€™t figure out the birth date? a function in esx_identity or something