[RELEASE] CleanUI (cui) character

Hi, I have problems when I go to change in the police locker room.
I select wearing uniform and the one shown in the video magically happens.
Both client and server side no errors of any kind are reported
esx_extended v1.2 (plumeESX)

no idea?

I also have this bug

can you change the color of your clothes?

you have to remove esx_skin and skinchanger because its already implemented inside cui_character

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are you sure?

I don’t have esx_skin and skinchanger and the same thing happens to me

Yes. That is how the “provide” works : Resource manifest

This will tell all other resources that it is a replacement for it.

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@hoegarden31 @xXGeschaeftsmannXx
Thanks a lot now it works halfway though.
I disabled the two resources skinchanger and esx_skin but now i have this problem.
When I go to select the bulletproof vest or the reflective vest, what is shown in the video happens.

thats problem inside your policejob… you have to edit the numbers there.

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I have the same problem.

I also have the same

after various tests I solved it by directly adding the bulletproof vest and the reflective vest to the uniform and going to comment in the main.lua on the options dedicated only to vests, as doing otherwise it recharged my ped from 0.

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Noob question. I am hosting a server on Zap Hosting and tried using this to change my character creation hud. It doesn’t seem to load at all and I was wondering if I was doing something wrong. Any help would be appreciated.

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Awesome scripts! How would I go about having this do nothing when a player enters into the game, I only want it to bring up the UI when I call it from a different resource.

Remove this part in client/main.lua:

AddEventHandler('cui_character:playerPrepared', function(newplayer)
    if newplayer and (not Config.EnableESXIdentityIntegration) then
        TriggerEvent('cui_character:open', { 'identity', 'features', 'style', 'apparel' }, false)

If you enabled esx_identity integration, just don’t add the line that opens cui_character to esx_identity.

Hi guys,

Finding this mod awesome!
I have noticed one issue (using es_extended final + esx_identity), when a new character is created, two entries are created on the users table in the database, on the identifier, one uses ‘steam:1100…’ and the other entry is with a big identifier number “7ace31dc6ce8b93f2d858b9d8ac532f06182330f”…

Any ideas?

Yea just use the option that sais use steam and if you dont changed the es_extended to use it just follow this Steam ID rather than Rockstar ID · Issue #690 · esx-framework/es_extended · GitHub

It fixed. :slight_smile:

NP mate

Btw, maybe you know, now, after my character is created, i logout, and when i get back to the game it opens again the UI as if i was going to create/change stuff.
How can i prevent it to 'reopen after the registration is over and user relogs?