Wonderful can’t wait!!
[RELEASES]Vehicles Converted to Fivem youlsee the releases here , i released a yacht for the time being , check it out
would u could make 1 download so u didnt have to download all the files
I made like this so people dont have to download everything
i have to download every single file
Oh yeah , yeah my next releases are gonna be in .zip sorry about the incovinience
https://www.gta5-mods.com/vehicles/e-2d-hawkeye This could be nice
Expect a release here soon [RELEASES]Vehicles Converted to Fivem
Maybe you didnt download it correctly ill upload it in .zip in a while
I have a Addon pack for i believe 3 or 4 containerships. I can post the zip in here when i’m home. And i have time.
Also about the plane you send , even though i lowered its textures to work with fivem it still doesnt work so it must be broken unless i am doing it wrong
can u sail them containerships?
Yes you can
i would very much like that
I converted this and uploaded it for everyone, the hose works too.
@xBlackwellSkull_x Do you do trains as well??
How about:
I am able to get the model to work just fine. But the minute you drop water everyone crashes. Is there a way to fix this?
This seems to be an issue with all water dropping aircraft. Personally i have no tested it but i can look into it. You have to understand that a boeing like that is a big vehicle and will not run very stable. Because of its filesize. You are right it spawns but does it crash people whenever you drop water near them or does it also crash them whenever they are at the other side of the map. Also i don’t believe there is a fix for this.