[Release] CharCreator | Character Creator

Did you use, esx_identity script ?

hello nice script! but there is some flaw in the makeup part, for example the blush once in the man goes from number to no longer can find a number to remove it, and that hobliga the person to be equipped with makeup! and it would be nice if this same skript could have another section where he could put the new identity as name surname sex height

Very well done, thank you for releasing this.

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Hello ! To remove, you can change the height (is opacity) :wink:

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Yes, i use identity and some scripts.

start cron

start async

start es_extended

start esx_menu_default

start esx_menu_list

start esx_menu_dialog

start loadingscreen

start skinchanger

start esx_skin

start esx_clotheshop

start dpclothing

start CharacterCreator

start esx_identity

start esx_addonaccount

start esx_addoninventory

start esx_datastore

start esx_billing

start esx_license

start esx_society

start esx_status

start esx_basicneeds

start LegacyFuel

start mythic_notify

start el_bwh

start new_banking

start esx_addons_gcphone

start gcphone

start kuana_garage

start NoDriveBy

start tutorial

start esx_playtime

start FLX_hud

start carhud

start speed

start esx_scoreboard

start esx_inventoryhud

start dpclothing

start esx_nosite

start esx_policejob

start esx_ambulancejob

start esx_hunting

start esx_windowcleaner

start TruckerJob

start Rasen

start onyxDumpsters

start esx_AdvancedFishing

start esx_mechanicjob

start esx_vehicleshop

start esx_shops

start esx_weaponshop

start esx_boat

start esx_vehiclesRent

start salty_crafting

start fd_maps

start hospital

start lsctexturas

start qalle_policearmory

start esx_rpchat

start esx_doorlock

start esx_duty

start mdt

start personalmenu

start MissionText

start progressBars

Can you say me which version of esx_identity did you use ?

have no option to create the name, height and age?

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Good morning all,
here I modify what was necessary according to the documentation, but my old esx_skin is displayed at the same time see screens

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Bien joué le petit français :wink:


Hi, no the script only includes the physical creation of the character

Hello, I found a problem saving female character - when relogin it becomes male :sweat:
also heritage: the bar set is opposite - when set it close to mom will be more like dad instead (hope i can explain better but well
 sorry for my poor English)
and in the picture - some features don’t show the table(grid), it shows all white

and may I suggest disable character control while creating, because player can do melee or walk out of the frame by mistake
Thank you for the awesome work btw

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Hey ! Concerning the problem of the saving female character, it has been settled, I invite you to re-download the resource on github.

Did you try it in your Server with Kashactors? Does this work with it?

No im sorry, i have not had time yet, won’t be able to do it till friday, server is to busy, so when i pay the bill on the test server ill try it out. wish i could help faster though.

This is a very good script! Thanks!

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i get this error whene creating the character

and female resets to male after disconnect?

The problem encountered:

  • When you go to a clothing store, the look goes back to the original, erases makeup etc 

  • From time to time the spawn mapping does not load, and suddenly creates a black screen for the person who register
  • When several people connect at the same time, they push each other
  • And here is the error I get when I put on / take off the glasses
    Français :
    Les problÚme rencontré :
  • Quand on va dans un magasin de vĂȘtement, le look se remets a l’origine, efface le maquillage etc 

  • De temps Ă  autre le mapping de spawn ne charge pas, et du coup crĂ©e un Ă©cran noir au personne qui s’inscrivent
  • Quand plusieurs personne se connecte en mĂȘme temps, ils se poussent l’un l’autre
  • Et voici l’erreur que j’obtiens quand je mets/retire les lunettes

Hey ! The error has been corrected, you can download the resource on the github;)

Still same error😱

Ah yes, I forgot, you have to change some line in the skin change once more.

In skinchanger, you need to replace :

AddEventHandler('skinchanger:saveWithFiveMFunc', function(index, type, v)
	local playerPed = PlayerPedId()
	if type == 'headoverlay' then
		Character[index..'_1'] = v[1]
		Character[index..'_2'] = v[2]
		if v[3] then
			Character[index..'_3'] = v[3]
		if v[4] then
			Character[index..'_4'] = v[4]
	elseif type == 'componentvariation' then
		if index == 'arms' then
			Character[index] = v[1]
			Character[index..'_2'] = v[2]
			Character[index..'_1'] = v[1]
			Character[index..'_2'] = v[2]
	elseif type == 'face' then
		Character[index] = v
	elseif type == 'facefeature' then
		Character[Face[index]] = v


AddEventHandler('skinchanger:saveWithFiveMFunc', function(index, type, v)
	local playerPed = PlayerPedId()
	if type == 'headoverlay' then
		Character[index..'_1'] = v[1]
		Character[index..'_2'] = v[2]
		if v[3] then
			Character[index..'_3'] = v[3]
		if v[4] then
			Character[index..'_4'] = v[4]
	elseif type == 'componentvariation' then
		if index == 'arms' then
			Character[index] = v[1]
			Character[index..'_2'] = v[2]
		elseif index == 'sex' then
			Character[index] = v[1]
			Character[index..'_1'] = v[1]
			Character[index..'_2'] = v[2]
	elseif type == 'face' then
		Character[index] = v
	elseif type == 'facefeature' then
		Character[Face[index]] = v