[Release] Carry people over your shoulder

So is it like like this? if IsEntityDead(entity) = true and closestPlayer ~= nil then

Could you tell me how I could apply this? I also want to add a check only carry dead people

Would be really helpful. Thanks!

I tried like if IsEntityDead(entity) = true and closestPlayer ~= nil then

or is it

if not carryingBackInProgress and IsEntityDead(entity) then

Any ideas on what other scripts could be causing this issue, your fix does not work for me i even tried stopping both police and ambulance job resources and i still have the issue. Thanks

Love it

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its possible add permissions to the carry option???

Could you uploading your clothes?

Where do I put this?

How can I do to work with dead players?

Cool script but i got a unrelated question is how do you get those story mode shoes working on mp ped… cause them travis aj1s are fire

cool :wink:

They are not story mode shoes they are custom from gta5mods, any clothes you see there for MP or freemode can be streamed to your FiveM server if you are a FiveM Patreon. Here is how you do it [How-to] Stream custom clothes

yh yh ik they’re custom off gta v mods and ik how to do custom clothes (already got a few in the server) but the shoes he has aren’t for mp ped… So that’s why i wanna know how he got em

Okay i thought they were these https://www.gta5-mods.com/player/shoes-air-jordan-template-fivem-ready-mp-male-femal-baskets-packs but looking again they are different you are right

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if you have sublime just drag your resource folder into it and right click iy - find in folder -DetachEntity(GetPlayerPed(-1) in any client side script

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Thank you for your help

Anyclue on how to put this on a interaction menu?

Is there a way to sync the animation while the ped is dead? When i pick up dead entities currently, they will not play the animation.


is there anything like this to take someone as a hostage ?

Did you get this to work?

Because they are dead? Revive the target but keep him incapacitated is an option.