[RELEASE] cace_loading2.0 [FREE]

Hello iam releasing my second own coded loadingscreen hope you enjoy

:gear: How to Install

  • Download the loadingscreen Download and drop in your “resources” folder

  • Add to your server.cfg, the following line: ensure cace_loading2 or start cace_loading2

  • Just start your server and have fun

  • everything changeable in the index.php

  • if you doesnt want the Discord.gg shown you can set the index.php .line 24 display to none

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let me know what i should create next.


why php tho?

cause php is cool and working if you want you can rename the file

There’s no point in using .php as your file extension if you don’t even use a bit of PHP
Also I’d recommend you to educate yourself in React/Vue, but you do you.

Regards cheers

Bud, i guess he is new :smiley: - dont be so hard.

But yeah, using PHP, if there is no php code, makes no point at all.

Keep on going ok_hand:

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