How do you make it so it’s set for the mechanics only
How can I make this available for the mechanic Job only
Is There A Way To Set Permissions On Who Can Use This Mod?
what command do i run for SetWheelPreset? i have saved the values within a database just need help recalling said values and applying to a car when i get it out of the garage
Hi. How can i edit rear and front sunpasion separately?
Hi. How can i edit rear and front sunpasion separately?
Hey i am really struggling to get the V stancer mod to work on my fiveM server, can someone help me
I have tried so many times, I have read the installation part and the ToDo part but still can’t get it to work.
yo im new to fivem i want to play on the server
Link broken bro
Adding the ability to change the Suspension high would be dope. also, im trying to understand is doing the tire size/thickness impossible because of how u need to sync it
exist this script with only admin permision?
Has anyone ever limited this to just mechanics being able to use it within RP or any sort of edit like that. Would be greatly appreciated.
I cannot get the wheel mods to show can anyone share their config so I can see what I am not putting in right
How Do I save it? like my preset I can’t save it ingame its blank
Cant adjust the height of vehicles with no vehiclelayouts.meta. All the others are fine, anyone figured this out ?
Is this compatible with qbcore?
yes it is, however, it doesn’t seem to save to the car. If you put the car in a garage and then pull it out the changes will not persist. If anyone knows how to make it ‘stick’ please let us know.
i added this to a rp server but when vstancer is enable some of the other menu dont work but when i disable it via console they work but i dont have any error on the console does anybody knoes why?
on ESX modify it like this ESX vstancer -
Where do you put this code if you don’t me asking?