[RELEASE] Blueresources Crypto Mining | FiveM

This is a crypto mining script, it allows you to make passive income by combining computer parts to create a server rack and place down wherever you like. This is completely configurable and crypto names can be changed, prices etc…

  • Noob Friendly and easy to install
  • Light resource
  • Easily Configurable
  • Low Resmon

Buy on Tebex - https://blueresources.tebex.io/category/scripts

Preview - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NCxUrlroj7o&t=2s

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 500+
Requirements Drag & Drop
Support Yes


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ESX future release?? :smiley:

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Its very possible that I could start creating scripts for ESX, but I havnt touch esx in a long long time its been over 3 years since I have so not sure just yet.


Yea been looking for this exact type of script, for esx. I have one currently but it’s a bit broken lol.


Same, would love to see an ESX Version of this.

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Any update for esx? :smiley:

Unfortunately not just yet

Really nice although the rigs are deleted upon player disconnect or server restart. Any possibility of open source version so I can make the adjustments needed?

Unfortunately I don’t want to go open source any time soon, but I’m willing to take ideas
from customers for possible updates

Hi! Thanks for sharing this awesome crypto-mining script.

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gotta update this script to new qb looking forward to get it on my server but something makes so it wont work on my server all items added :frowning:

Hi this script is so nice but i have one Question about it … Could you pleas make it so we can change the languages as we have a Dutch server but the languages is english only it seems. thanks in advanced

also pleas this script need fixing like a other one said allready more then a year a go and still you didnt fix it why are the rigs being delete on leaving the server or server restart thats really weird and yes im a customer im Yves [BE] on your tebex page and i can proof it :slight_smile:

Hi this script is so nice but i have one Question about it … Could you pleas make it so we can change the languages as we have a Dutch server but the languages is english only it seems. thanks in advanced
also pleas this script need fixing like a other one said allready more then a year a go and still you didnt fix it why are the rigs being delete on leaving the server or server restart thats really weird and yes im a customer im Yves [BE] on your tebex page and i can proof it :slight_smile: