[Release] bb-queue - Advanced FiveM Queue

Thats how its works.

I have a question
what link and key should I put here, in the config file ?

Config.ApiLink = " "
Config.ApiKey = " "

Thats built for my serverā€™s api, just ignore it. forgot to remove it from the config.

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The script is also letting in more people, then there are slots.

Sounds like you didnt start the script lmao :slight_smile:

is there any limit for the points system, or i can add as many as i want? Really good job btw

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i believe you can change the economy of points to be as much or as little as you want

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it worked when i changed name on the script

well the queue is getting stuck even though there is only 83 people in my server and i have it set at 100

Interesting, any errors? Never happened to me before

nopeā€¦ using exm latest artifactā€¦ people have to wait like 7 -8 minutes sometimes and the server isnt full it ends up working

Damn thatā€™s hard! Hellyea.

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I have problems like this.
how do i solve it?!

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Open your server maybe

Hey, thought iā€™d let you know someone has made an issue on the repo. Not sure why they never posted it here too.

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This looks great!


Sorry, if I havenā€™t posted here. :smiley: my bad. But this issue is still appearing to some of the players. Thank you for reposting. My bad.

I had someone restart their Steam and that seemed to fix the issue.

Try to search for errors, update me

Whitelist not working