[RELEASE] Badger-Anticheat (actually works)

Hey would you be able to help me on adding steam and license bans please?

Why if someone is creating Props isnt not sending to a discord?

If i print “owner” he is always nil.

Any help would be appriciated.

How is the installation method?

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@OfficialBadger Wondering if you could help? I use controller and got myself banned for using numpad 7.

Any way around this? Or not really?

This script doesn’t ban for keys… It only kicks for keys. If you got kicked for keys, you can just turn off the keys section at AntiKeys in the components section of the configuration file.

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Badger is a legend!

Best option for the ban function is to ban all identifiers a player has, so if someone change IP, steam, discord he can be banned from his GTA license which is hard to change :wink:


  • Banning now includes all identifiers! May be a little buggy, so let me know if you encounter any…
  • New commands shown below!

/latest - Will show the 10 most recent players on the server. Essentially, the most likely ones to be a possible modder…

/entitywipe <ID> [Requires ACE "AntiCheat.Moderation" ] - This will wipe the server of all entities if you put -1 in <ID> or will wipe the server of all entities of a certain player if you put the player’s ID.

I got use this anti cheat got ban in my server :face_with_monocle:

Then maybe you shouldn’t use it. It must be broken or you don’t know how to set it up properly…

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Small problem here , it appears that is some sort of an issue with the client side.it appears that something is hard on resources on my server at least,but I can’t rly figure it out.

Any tips would pe appreciated!

Can anyone help me how i can made my team member dont get banned/

How i can give me moderation anti cheat?

by reading the post and documentation

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You need rename all esx: and esx_ events to abc:event abc_event:event or whatever you want

is this possible to detect the modder in Conserve, Giving Item, Generating Money etc

Yes by blacklisting the events!

So I found a bug with the banning all Identifiers… Now yesterday the modder got banned but he did not have a discord linked so some of my other members that did not have a discord linked got banned… You can obviously remove the line for the discord ban but it is an inconvenience to have to do that sometimes is there any way you can make it to where it bans threw Easy Admin I don’t know how hard that is or if that is possible… But other than that Thank you so much for what you do Badger!

I’m finding that bug too, and I’m done with the most recent version. Going back to the old version as this one is way too ban happy, with the identical settings as the previous version. Finding this with more than just Discord ids, now it’s banning randoms on various other ids. Even banned me on my non-admin account I used for going in “undercover” that has zero perms in the server, and I sure as hell don’t cheat lol.


Important: Old ac-bans.json file will need to be deleted as this new version uses a better method of keeping track of bans and ban-data.

  • Added better formatting for bans in ac-bans.json file
    Example ac-bans.json file:
    Thanks for the help testing @Dexvoo
    "Dexvo": {
        "discord": "discord:387341502134878218",
        "ID": 1, -- This is the ban-ID
        "live": "NONE SUPPLIED",
        "xbl": "NONE SUPPLIED",
        "steam": "steam:11000011d1f6035",
        "reason": "Our anticheat caught you noclipping... You have been banned. You can apply for unban by providing your ban ID in your server ticket.",
        "ip": "NONE SUPPLIED",
        "license": "license:5f8edbb5cc9dd34b82cafdd713a4895ecc5a6968"
  • Added /ac-unban <ban-ID> command [Requires permission Badger-Anticheat.ACban]
  • Removed AntiKeys sections of code [Deprecated] - Feel free to uncomment all of them if you really want to, but they may be removed in later versions of the script…
  • Customizeable ban messages within the config file!
Messages = {
        NoClipTriggered = "Our anticheat caught you noclipping... You have been banned. You can apply for unban by providing your ban ID in your server ticket.",
        ChatMessageTriggered = "Our anticheat caught you faking a chat message... You have been banned. You can apply for unban by providing your ban ID in your server ticket.",
        BlacklistedEventTriggered = "Our anticheat caught you triggered a blacklisted event [{EVENT}]. You have been banned. You can apply for unban by providing your ban ID in your server ticket.",
        BlacklistedEntity = "Our anticheat caught you creating a blacklisted entity [{ENTITY}]. You have been kicked. You may join back, but may be banned under staff's discretion.",
        UnauthorizedResources = "Our anticheat caught you with an unauthorized resource [{RESOURCE}]. You have been banned. You can apply for unban by providing your ban ID in your server ticket.",
        ProhibitedVariables = "Our anticheat caught you with a prohibited variable [{VARIABLE}]. You have been banned. You can apply for unban by providing your ban ID in your server ticket.",
        CommandsTriggered = "Our anticheat caught you with a blacklisted command [{COMMAND}]. You have been banned. You can apply for unban by providing your ban ID in your server ticket.",
        ESXTriggered = "Our anticheat caught you triggering ESX. You have been banned. You can apply for unban by providing your ban ID in your server ticket.",
        SpectateTriggered = "Our anticheat caught you spectating somebody whilst not being staff. You have been banned. You can apply for unban by providing your ban ID in your server ticket.",