[Release] Area of Patrol - Set AOP - Ft. Draw Text, Peacetime & More [AOP] [3.4]

So red would be ~r~.

Okay Let me try that

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Also how would i go around setting up the discord thing you added to my discord ? were do i put my url thingy

Fixed it thank you my issue is resolved :wink:

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Can someone send me all the commands that can be done with that script Please :blush:? Thanks

@FAXES how do i give myself sufficient permission to change AOP and PT? I copied and pasted and changed the appropriate text to my steam ID and still won’t work.

<FONT COLOR='#FF0000'>text</FONT> would also work probably.

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image How can I make it look like this?

@FAXES can i change the peacetime to say priority?

Make sure it’s a hex and not a 64 ID.

Edit the config file.

Go for it. It’s located in the client.lua.

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Thanks. I’ll definitely try it

@FAXES it let me change the word but it won’t change the endabled to disabled and Vise Versa. :sob:

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Take another look at your edits Vs what’s on GitHub.

Is there anyway that i can enable the PVP setting for the Peacetime? Kinda wanna use it as a priority notifier instead

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Scratch that i over looked the PVP in the client. :slightly_smiling_face:

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You can also change it via the config.

What do you mean edit Vs?

Your edits versus GitHub.

oooh ok :+1:

Probably a dumb question, but how do I edit the time? I keep get GMT (4 hours ahead of me) and not GMT-4