Where do i add the sql file because theirs not database in the folders?
A database is not a file, it’s a software.
Check on google how to install a database like mariadb or heidisql or what you want (just make sure it’s an SQL database)
I’ve made some changes to this script, id like to share if that’s alright
Renamed some menus
Added props that can be dropped including spike strips
Disabled the garage (we use lambda)
Renamed animations
Id love to hear your thoughts! Keep in mind i just learned all this jazz a month ago
Of course you can sahre your work.
I have no many time atm but I’ll try to have a look to your modifications
Thanks! i posted here Removed-no longer working
“No such command CopAddAdmin.”
How do I add the first cop so they can add other cops in-game?
CopAddAdmin (RCON) is available since 1.4.1, make sure you are running this version
can you make a how to install video please or make it not need mysql
Is there a way to make it so then when you die you don’t have to reclock in?
Near line like 718 in the client.lua comment out the line that says “ServiceOff()”
(This is in the “Control death events” part of the code)
Do I just edit it to “ServiceOn()”?
Anyone know how to change the keys to the menu. Our community want to open it up with a different key.
@Kevinsch1 : it’s planned
@MLGPlasmaScope : just comment out
@MLGPlasmaScope : https://github.com/Kyominii/Cops_FiveM/blob/dev/police/config/config.lua#L39 --> check config.lua, bindings section
Thanks for the resource @Kyominii
Thanks. You might want to add instructions to the OP on how to add a steamID to the DB manually until 1.4.1 is released. I originally added just my decimal steamID without the “steam:” before it and was confused why it didn’t work. I ended up installing 1.4.1 to run CopAddAdmin and then reverted back to 1.4.0 since 1.4.1 is still in beta.
By the way, is there an easy way I can customize what’s available in the armoury? Also, the station in Sandy Shores doesn’t seem to have an armoury at all; Perhaps that’s fixed in 1.4.1?
Edit: I took a look at armory.lua. Is it as simple as renaming the functions and then changing the weapon IDs? Or would I need to make separate changes to the UI?
Hey, just like you said => Is it as simple as renaming the functions and then changing the weapon IDs
The right answer ^^
And you can add armory in sandy shores (look at client.lua, there’s a list of coordinates where you can add armory, cloackroom, … everywhere you want)
Does this have ESX support?
I don’t know, you have to try by yourself ^^
how to add police with chat command ?