[Release] American MDT SYSTEM Based off Owen_M Police Mobile Data Terminal

I present to you guys an American MDT System based off of Owen_M’s Police Data Terminal


His original Framework is located here:

I have received Permission from Owen_M to Modify his framework system to create an American Version

I apologize for my communities logo on it but it is something I am currently using for my community and is really easy to change to make your own logo or background. All it requires it changing the background image which I explain below.
I modified a lot of the system to be better visually appealing too!!!
Here is What the System Offers:

Latest Version Released: 1.01
To Install: GitHub - Bobblemend15/AMERICANMDTSYSTEM-FIVEM-: An American MDT System for FiveM based off of Owen_M Police Mobile Data Terminal

Steps to installing:

Upload all files to your website.

Edit database connection in ‘_assets/php/connection.php’

To Login:

Default Login Information: Username: 1234

Password: changeme

To change the background:
Just go to mdtsystem/_assets/img/background-2.png and change the image with something 1920x1080 or larger

I would like to thank @Owen_M for allowing me to upload this American Version MDT System. If it wasn’t for his framework, this would not be Possible!!!

I encourage others to help improve upon this to make this system become even better over time!!!


this looks so nice. keep up the great work with PDRP!!

I love this!!
One question, Im a bit new to all this…How would I install this to make it working for users


Hello.How can I use?

1 Like

I’ve moved the files, and imported the sql dumpfile without issue, but I’m getting this error:
PHP Fatal error: Can’t use function return value in write context in …/login.php on line 22

Any idea?

Did you change the connection.php file to reflect your database login? Its giving that error because something was installed incorrectly. This is Line 22

image .

Granted I did not change some of the code since it is a framework from Owen_M but that will not affect the sql installing. I would look to see what your sql database is restricting

I did, but it’s definitely something in the /php/connections.php
I can access mysql fine using the same credentials I changed in there, but I’ll keep digging around. Thanks

This is awesome! Keep up the great work.

just one problem the get on duty get me erro 502 gateway
some help ?

I figured it out… had a very old .htaccess further up the parent directories forcing php5.4. Working fine now, thx

im getting MDT couldnt load sessionmanager hmmm

ive installed it just fine but when I go to login its not loading the next page,i used 1234 and changeme but its acting like the password is incorrect.

This is not a resource.

A few people have reported this, I feel that it may just be your PHP version. I’ve not had chance to properly look since it’s extremely old code.

is there any way to get around this at all?

Its meant for a website, you cannot use it inside your server

lol i know…i havent added it to my server for say.its in my htdocs insdie xaamp

when i log on my website it says this: Warning : mysqli_connect(): (HY000/1049): Unknown database ‘cad’ in C:\xampp\htdocs_assets\php\connection.php on line 15
Failed to connect to MySQL: Unknown database ‘cad’
Fatal error : Uncaught Error: Call to a member function query() on boolean in C:\xampp\htdocs\resources\layout\head.php:14 Stack trace: #0 C:\xampp\htdocs\index.php(4): include() #1 {main} thrown in C:\xampp\htdocs\resources\layout\head.php on line 14

Check your connection details and ensure your database exists.