[Release] [ALPHA] "Arma III" Styled Missions

when we get money… at mission end… we see what amount we got…
if i am the guy who get objective or only a killer or didnt participate… we see what weve got.

the only things bad about it…
if i didnt participate on last mission that just end… i still see (you earned 0$) at least its true

Work perfectly on last version for seeing what weve earned… ESX or Not :white_check_mark:

Yeah, I agree, filtering out users not to get messages would be better. That gets back to the resource being re-developed to be more server managed.

im not gonna complain on little thing like this as it can be tweak by the Server Owner much easily…

I did find a way to give a true item from database to a player that get to the objectif and finish it…
but it work with esx.

Ah cool, I remember you asking that. I was not sure how to do it. glad you got it working.

add in client.lua after those 2 TriggerEvents

TriggerServerEvent("sv:two", message)
TriggerServerEvent("sv:two", message2)
TriggerServerEvent("giveitem")              ----Here what i add after sv:two trigger

add in server.lua

	local _source = source
	local xPlayer  = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(_source)
     xPlayer.addInventoryItem('defib', 1)
	 TriggerClientEvent("esx:showNotification", _source, "Vous recevez un Kit de Soin")

In Esx… For this to work you must have the item in your database
The item will be given once to the player who get the objective.

oh yeah, this is the problem I had with Mission 10… NPCs started doing this:

Alright something I noticed is getting punched by thin air or Zombie peds that haven’t loaded in, they are entirely invisible on your end but are there on someone elses, the collision and everything hasn’t loaded so you can’t see anything from them even a shadow and they end up killing you, any ideas of any Network Syncing Natives I could test to resolve this or would it be my custom skins I got for the Zombies etc?

It seemed to be related to how many were spawned, and how far away. For me I was only 1 client connecting to localhost and got it

about the teleporter addon… i already have my own and everthing is already open no need for teleporter as the door open on much of my ipl.
thanks for letting me know

Cool. I’m a newb with most of this stuff anyway.

Its been a long day :stuck_out_tongue: I had some code commented out due to testing, that got accidentally uploaded in my last update. Its fixed now, that should be the last… http://www.mediafire.com/file/dd7i6v240qscugx/mrp-missions-2.8.5.zip/file

Ok, one final update after some more playtesting… I took out Mission11 which was still in there and did nothing, and finally I realized that to get NPCs to fly properly, to spawn them in the air!

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Ok already start to edit all of it so if i call it right… i just have to erase last mission (11) and im up to date?

Also can i get some little hint about all of those set… Sometime it obvious sometime not:

More Agressive?
Surely A dead NPC for scenario implementation
give me detail please
really dont know
This one i get it :wink:
surely true pilot or driving max speed…
The NPC will flee as soon as im around… in car or running?
For friendly NPC that we want to keep alive.

Also can we make a NPC helping us if we give him a weapon?

I just did some thorough playtesting (yet again) and I have a final update to 2.8.5. This makes enemy NPCs fly planes more aggressively, which means when they see you, they will attack, fixes a bug with rotation of missions not working correctly, and some other tweaks…

wander = true means an NPC on foot will be given a task to roam around rather than sit like a statue
dead = true, yes dead NPC for scenario
driving=true is the same for a driving NPC, similar to wander for on foot NPC.

pilot=true, you can now ignore that, my update I just posted gets rid of it. just use driving=true and place the plane in the air to help them fly.
dontsetheading=true, you can ignore that. But leave it in for the missions that use it.
drivespeed… yes, thats the speed that the NPC drives at when driving=true (not sure it really works or not).
flee=true This is just for enemy NPCs in vehicles that you want to evade you.

Also can we make a NPC helping us if we give him a weapon?

No, in order to stop hostages/friendlies fleeing, instead of using citizen.wait I now made them friends with player and with NPC enemies. :slight_smile:
before, they would freak out and I would have them in a citizen.wait loop giving them a brief task to stand still … it looked better, but maybe not so good.

need ypur help for this one…

in server.lua

i want to be able to know what mission is active
to set different item reward by mission then i tried…

if MissionName == Mission1 then
local item = defib

doesnt work… how can i know from server side what missionname is active?

Yes, it is the ActiveMission variable.
You want to take a look at the ‘sv:done’ event as well, for mission end. you will want to work with ActiveMission there maybe before the event sets it back to N/A, which means there is no mission active (until next one)

i dont want to know if a mission is active… i want to know what mission is active
something like this…
if activemission == Mission1 then

thanks ill take a look at sv:done
ill surely figure it out

Thats MissionName you want.

If MissionName ~=“N/A” and ActiveMission then
–MissionName here has the name of the active mission

how can i retrieve if mission1 is the mission name i want
with input and input2 fron sv:one?

after this line:

If MissionName == “Mission1” then


Great … it work.

dawm your good dude. i really look noob besides you. :pleading_face:

Presumably 2.8.5 was more stable for you session wise? I haven’t heard anything from you, so I figure it is all well :slight_smile:

I have another big update. This will have various fixes, including setting the armor attribute on a ped should now actually work. Whats cool with the next update is that it will have a random mission generator. A mission like Mission11, can have a setting saying that it is random, and a random Assassinate or Objective mission will be spawned. You specify the min/max peds, min/max vehicles, spawn radius, ped types, prop types,friendly ped types, vehicles types etc… and the generator will spawn a mission using these variables. There is an array of various spawn locations you need to set, which the generator will pick from to spawn the mission. I have set 3 or 4 locations already. So you would go around the map and get coordinates of where these missions can spawn, and add them to the generator.

Like other variables you can define these per Mission, so Mission11 could spawn random large battlefield type missions, whereas Mission12 could be defined to spawn random bank robberies, with a lower spawn radius and less stuff, using spawn locations set at all the stores/banks etc…

The other feature is that now when a vehicle with turrets is spawned, you do not need to use ExtraPeds, it will find the turret and add the extra npc to man it. You can still use ExtraPeds with this though, for passenger seats. There is an array it uses of vehicle hashes with their turret seatids, that you can add more vehicles to.

If you set any up,a random prop from the list will locate at the marker/mission blip. Mission Pickups are not randomized though, since that does not make sense, where would they spawn? So you will need to define locations the old way for the random mission. Saying that, for reward pickups, I suppose I could just have a flag to have them spawn at the mission blip/ marker… but that doesnt make much sense for assassinate missions, where you could end up across the map from the mission marker. So the other option is to set it so that dead enemy peds spawn pickups at the mission end (EnemiesCanSpawnPickups), or define reward pickup locations manually as well.

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