[RELEASE] Aleks Fishing (OX)

I made this fishing script since I needed a script which allows to fish everywhere you want. The player just needs to start fishing. While fishing just wait until a fish bites.


  • Multiple fishs + chance of bite
  • Fishing rod has durability (You need to get a new one if broken or repair it)
  • Everything configurable
  • Discord Logs
  • Add as many fish (or special items) as you want
  • Configurable notification

Client Resmon Usage
Idle: 0.00 ms
While fishing: 0.01-0.03


  • ox_inventory
  • ox_lib

Config = {}

Config.FishCooldown = 1000 * 20 -- Seconds
Config.BaitLoseChanceOnFail = 75 -- Chance to loose your bait on fail in percent
Config.FindChance = 75 -- Chance to find a fish per tick | Config.FishCooldown = 1 tick

Config.FishingrodItem = "fishingrod"
Config.FishbaitItem = "fishbait"

Config.DiscordWebhook = ""

Config.Fish = {
    {name = "tuna", displayName = "Tuna", luck = "15", difficulty = {'hard', 'medium', 'easy'}},
    {name = "salmon", displayName = "Salmon", luck = "20", difficulty = {'medium', 'easy'}},
    {name = "anchovy", displayName = "Anchovy", luck = "40", difficulty = {'easy', 'easy'}},
    {name = "trout", displayName = "Trout", luck = "15", difficulty = {'easy'}}

Get it now: GitHub - DZaleks/aleks_fishing: Fishing script for FiveM

My other scripts

[OX] Aleks Smart Drug Dealer

[ESX] Synced Sperrzonen / Exclusion zones / Restricted zones for multiple jobs

[STANDALONE] Clean Skill System Menu UI

[ESX][PAID] Policejob Cartracking

1 Like

hey man i cant seem to get it to work i’ve got the items the bait and fishing rod but when i try to use the rod it just says unable to use fishing rod if you could help that would be great my discord is mr.rco have a great day

Did you add the fishingrod in weapons.lua instead of items.lua in ox_inventory?

it does not work either way with it only in the items list it lets me use it with no error but nothing happens

Please add following to your

Item('fishingrod', function(data, slot)
	ox_inventory:useItem(data, function(data)
		if data then

when we become a preview?

Hey mate, I just added preview to first post :slight_smile:

Look nice only problem is your discord webhook is Shared to the client meaning they can use it and spam message’s to your discord or disabled the web hook breaking your logs