[Release] Advanced garage system for Gangs | QBCore

This is an modified version of jim-jobgarage. This works for the gangs garage.

## Location Setup

- Vehicle Modifiers - These can be used for making sure the vehicles comes out exactly how you want it to
	- `CustomName = "Rumpo XL",` this will show a custom override name for your vehicles so you don't need to add them to your vehicles.lua
	- `rank = { 2, 4 },` This specifes which grades can see it, and only these grades
	- `grade = 4,` This specifies the lowest grade and above that can see the vehicle
	- `colors = { 136, 137 },` This is the colour index id of the vehicle, Primary and Secondary in that order
	- `bulletproof = true,` This determines if the tyres are bullet proof (don't ask me why, I was asked to add this)
	- `livery = 1,` This sets the livery id of the vehicle, (most mod menus would number them or have them in number order) 0 = stock
	- `extras = { 1, 5 },` -- This enables the selected extras on the vehicle
	- `performance = "max",` -- This sets the car upgrades all to MAX levels
	- `performance = { 2, 3, 3, 2, 4, true },` -- This allows more specific settings for each upgrade level, in order: engine, brakes, suspension, transmission, armour, turbo
	- `trunkItems = { },` -- Use this to add items to the trunk of the vehicle when it is spawned

- Example:
Locations = {
	{	zoneEnable = true, -- disable if you want to hide this temporarily
		gang = "ballas", -- set this to required job grade
		garage = {
			spawn = vector4(-179.34, -1285.27, 30.83, 89.24),  -- Where the vehicle will spawn
			out = vector4(-177.1, -1282.25, 31.3, 179.01),  -- Where you select the vehicles from
			ped = { -- Add a "ped" table to make a ped spawn instead of the parking meter
				model = `G_M_M_ChemWork_01`, -- set ped model here
				scenario = "WORLD_HUMAN_CLIPBOARD" -- set scenario here
			list = {  -- The list of cars that will spawn
				["rumpo"] = {
					CustomName = "Rumpo",
					colors = { 136, 137 }, -- Color index numbers { primary, secondary },
					grade = 4, -- Job Grade Required to access this vehicle
					performance = { 2, 3, 3, 2, 4, true },
					trunkItems = {
						{ name = "weapon_pistol", amount = 2, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 1, },
						{ name = "weapon_bat", amount = 10, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 2, },
				["burrito3"] = { },  -- Don't need to add any modifiers/restrictions
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